NTUWindBand 板


************************************************************** 此文为 hemels [email protected] 所有 严禁转载 未经作者认可随意转贴者去死 ************************************************************** 【第六乐章】 Grainger 本人并没有采集到 ‘The Lost Lady Found’这首歌, 而是Lucy Broadwood从她的老护士 – 住在史丹佛 (Stamford)的希尔女士那里 得来的曲调。这是一首舞曲,故事内容叙述一名被吉普赛人掳走的女孩。女孩 的叔父被怀疑是因为觊觎女孩的财产而让女孩失踪,被关进牢里。女孩的爱人 四处寻找她,最後终於在都伯林找到。两人回到家乡,刚好赶在叔父被行刑之 前抵达。全村为此欢庆祝贺。Grainger将Broadwood收集到得这首歌和他於1905年 从Fred Atkinson处得来的词配合,形成第六乐章。 歌词: 在那遥远的山谷中,住着一位美丽的姑娘, 她与她的叔父同住,这是众所皆知的事, 在那遥远的,紫罗兰盛开的山谷中, 三名吉普赛人欺骗她,将她掳走。 她失踪了许久,无人知道她的下落, 她的叔父找了又找, 最後他带着混杂希望和恐惧的心情, 来到财产托管人这儿。 他得到了回答: 她没有来过这里。 托管人用果决的语气说道: “我害怕她是因为她的财产而遭不幸, 既然如此,我们就以命抵命,先生, 我们将送你进监狱,你就在那儿待着吧!” 一名深爱着这姑娘的年轻乡绅, 时常和她一同出入学校; “我害怕她已遇害,我是如此害怕, 若我有一对白鸽的翅膀,我一定立刻飞到她身边。” 他行遍英国,法国,和西班牙, 涉过溪流和海洋; 有一天,他来到一间屋子,乞求他们让他过夜, 而就在那间屋子里,他发现了追寻已久的人。 当她看见他,她立刻认出他并奔到他怀中, 当他注视着她身上的饰物时,她诉说她的悲惨, “我亲爱的,你是如何来到都伯林的?” 他问。 “三名吉普赛人欺骗了我,将我掳来。” “你的叔父正在英国的监狱里, 为着你的缘故,等待死亡的判决。” “将我带回英国,亲爱的,” 她叫道, “我愿付你报酬,并作你的新娘。” 当他们回到英国来见叔父, 推车已驶到了绞刑台下, “噢,赦免他! 赦免他,我恳求你们! 我仍活着, 我仍活着,请赦免他的性命。” 於是他们将犯人带离绞刑台, 敲响了钟声,奏起了乐曲, 山谷间的每间屋子都回响着欢乐, 因他们知道失踪的少女已经归来。 ******************************************* 'Twas down in yon valley a fair maid did dwell, She lived with her uncle, they all knew full well, 'Twas down in yon valley where violets grew gay, Three gypsies betrayed her and stole her away. Long time she'd been missing, and could not be found; Her uncle, he searched the country around, Till he came to the trustee, between hope and fear, The trustee made answer, She has not been here. The trustee spoke over with courage so bold, I fear she's been lost for the sake of her gold, So we'll have life for life, sir, the trustee did say, We'll send you to prison, and there you shall stay. There was a young squire that loved her so, Oft times to the schoolhouse together they did go, I'm afraid she's been murdered, so great is my fear. If I'd wings like a dove I would fly to my dear. He traveled through England, through France and through Spain, Till he ventured his life on the watery main, And he came to a house where he lodged for a night, And in that same house was his own heart's delight. When she saw him, she knew him, and fled to his arms; She told him her grief while he gazed on her charms. How came you to Dublin, my dearest, I pray? Three gypsies betrayed me and stole me away. Your uncle's in England, in prison does lie, And for your sweet sake is condemned for to die. Carry me to old England, my dearest, she cried. One thousand I1ll give thee, and will be your bride. When they came to old England her uncle to see, The cart it was under the high gallows tree; Oh, pardon, oh, pardon, oh, pardon I crave. I'm alive, I'm alive, your dear life to save. Then from the high gallows they led him away, The bells they did ring and the music did play, Every house in that valley with mirth did resound, As soon as they heard the lost lady was found. -- In the House of Remaining Snow, We dance and sing, make merry while the days are long. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: hemels 来自: (03/15 17:14)

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