NTUWindBand 板


************************************************************** 此文为 hemels [email protected] 所有 严禁转载 未经作者认可随意转贴者去死 ************************************************************** 【第五乐章】 ‘Lord Melbourne’ 被类别为战歌,有着近乎炫耀般的、无节奏 的结构。1906年时,George Wray以八十岁高龄唱出这首歌。这名歌手的个性沉 稳厚实,却又极富特色。(注: 精确的唱歌日期是 1906年7月28日在Brigg, 林 肯郡^_^) 事实上,’Lord Melbourne’这个歌名应该是’Lord Malborough’ 才正确,因为 Lord Malborough指的就是约翰.邱吉尔 (John Churchill, 1650? -1722),马尔堡的第一任公爵。这位身兼军人和政治家身分的大公,最为人所熟 悉的「光荣功勳」应该就是在布伦海姆 (Blenheim) 和拉米伊 (Ramillies)对抗 法军的战役。他是一位细心的指挥者,同时也以关心士兵闻名;这大概就是他之 所以会经常在民谣中被提及的原因。他同时也是温斯顿.邱吉尔 (Winston Churchill,不知道他是谁的…是白痴) 的祖先;温斯顿.邱吉尔的长兄在1892年 时成为马尔堡的第九任公爵。 歌词: 我生来就是个英国人,马尔堡公爵是我的名字。 出生在举世闻名的德文郡, 我受众人爱载,国王和王子们皆喜爱我, 我不曾失败过。 高贵的安妮皇后命令我们登船, 朝向法兰德斯而去; 离开纽芬兰泊岸来迎向敌军。 携着破旧的武器,我们直攀上高耸的山丘, 拿下那些村庄,使全世界为之震惊。 为了守护国王查理二世的权益, 我们面对法国的敌人, 我们无畏地推进,迎向拉米伊之役。 白昼失色,大地撼动,我大喊着: 奋战下去,弟兄们! 为英国而战! 不是我们征服敌人,就是光荣死去。 现在这战役已胜,坚强地守住阵地啊, 我们俘虏的士兵这样多,敌人不得不投降。 就在那一天我的坐骑被炮弹击中, 我挣扎着起来,但我的副官立刻就倒了下去。 现在我躺在病床上,死神正步步逼近, 你们这些果敢勇猛的将领们,要向我看齐。 不要让你的弟兄们失望,带领他们出征, 以无惧迎向战争吧, 我曾带领士兵穿过烟硝和弹雨, 但现在我必须向死亡屈服。 ******************************************************* I am an Englishman to my birth,Lord Melbourne is my name; In Devonshire I first drew breath, that place of noble fame. I was beloved by all my men, by kings and princes likewise. I never failed in anything, but won great victories. Then good Queen Anne sent us on board, to Flanders we did go, We left the banks of Newfoundland to face our daring foe. We climbed those lofty hills straightway, with broken guns, shields likewise, And all those famous towns we took, to all the world1s surprise. King Charles the Second we did reserve, to face our foemen French, And to the battle of Ramillies we boldly did advance. The sun was down, the earth did shake, and I so loud did cry, Fight on, my lads, for old England1s sake, we1ll gain the field, or die. And now this glorious victory's won, so boldly keep the field, When prisoners in great numbers took, which forced our foe to yield. That very day my horse was shot all by a cannonball, As soon as I got up again, my aide-de-camp, he did fall. Now on a bed of sickness lie, I am resigned to die, You generals all and champions bold, stand true as well as I. Stand to your men, take them on board, and fight with courage bold, I've led my men through smoke and fire, but now to death must yield. -- In the House of Remaining Snow, We dance and sing, make merry while the days are long. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: hemels 来自: (03/15 16:58) ※ 编辑: hemels 来自: (03/15 18:10)

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