NTUWindBand 板


************************************************************* 此文为 hemels [email protected] 所有 严禁转载 未经作者认可随意转贴者去死 ************************************************************* 【第一乐章】 Lisbon 是一首极为轻快活泼 (也就是’with plenty of lilt’!) 的曲子。Grainger 最先是在 Brigg Union 救济院听 Mr.Deene 唱这首歌。Deene 的心脏很虚弱,而他在追忆这首歌时情绪实在过於激动,以致於救济院的女舍监 不允许他把它唱完。一年後,Grainger带着一台留声机回来,并播放一些他从其 他歌手那儿录到的歌给他听。虽然Deene事前宣称他自从跌倒受伤後,已经没有力 气再唱歌,但当他听见这些歌手们的录音後,便说会非常乐意唱。Grainger在附录 中写道:「我几乎以为他就算是就要死了也要唱。」 歌词部份: (先中後英 ^_^ 请注意歌词中有男女对唱但歌词是在同一段落) 在五月,一个星期一的早上, 我们的船起锚,准备要离去; 风从西北吹来,我们要往着里斯本去, 那儿的丘陵和山谷间,到处都是漂亮年轻的女孩儿。 我写了一封信给南西, 告诉她我得离开她,到一个遥远的地方去, 她说,"我最亲爱的威廉,这些话会使我心碎, 噢,亲爱的威利,今晚,在你离去前,我们不如结婚吧。" "我怀你的孩子,已经有十个漫长的星期, 所以亲爱的威廉,留下来并娶我吧。" "我们的船长已下了命令,我必须走, 女王陛下需要我们这些水手,吾爱,而我不敢说不。" "我会剪去我的金色长发,换上你的衣装, 我要跟你一同去,吾爱,以你侍从的身份, 而当是你在甲板上负责职守的时候,我会代替你去巡视, 为了和你在一起,爱人,我要面对战场。" "你漂亮的小手是那样纤长且细致, 你的腰围太瘦弱,不能够承受战火, 要知道那些炮火如何猛烈,爱人,那些子弹是怎样的飞啸而过, 还有那响亮的银色小号,吾爱,是为了掩盖痛苦的呻吟。" "请不要谈论这些危险,因为我只求爱情, 只求和你同在战场上,只求和你共渡时光, 我愿走过法国和西班牙,只为能成为你的新娘, 为了和你一同在战场上倒下。" 在五月,一个星期一的早上, 我们的船起锚,准备要离去; 风从西北吹来,我们要往着里斯本去, 那儿的丘陵和山谷间,到处都是漂亮年轻的女孩儿。 'Twas on a Monday morning, all in the month of May, Our ship she weighed her anchor, all for to sail away; The wind did from the southwest blow, for Lisbon we were bound, The hills and dales were covered with pretty young girls around. I wrote a letter to Nancy, for her to understand That I should have to leave her, unto some foreign land, She said, My dearest William, these words will break my heart, Oh, let us married be tonight, sweet Willie, before you start. For ten long weeks and better I've been with child by thee, So stay at home, dear William, be kind and marry me. Our captain has commanded us, and I shall have to go, The Queen's in want of men, my love, I'd never dare answer, No. I'll cut my long yellow hair off, your clothing I'll put on, And I will go with you, love, and be your waiting-man, And when it is your watch on deck, your duty I will do, I'd face the field of battle, love, in order to be with you. Your pretty little fingers, they are both long and small, Your waist it is too slender to face the cannonball, For loud the cannons rattle, love, and blazing bullets fly, And silver trumpets sound, my love, to cover the dismal cry. Pray do not talk of danger, for love is my desire, To see you in the battle, and with you spend my time, And I will go through France and Spain, all for to be your bride, And I will lay me down upon the battlefield at your side. 'Twas on a Monday morning, all in the month of May, Our ship she weighed her anchor, all for to sail away; The wind did from the southwest blow, for Lisbon we were bound, The hills and dales were covered with pretty young girls around. -- In the House of Remaining Snow, We dance and sing, make merry while the days are long. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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