台北市美国商会会员部招募专案实习志工2名 (会员名册制作: 98 年 9 月 17 日至 11 月 13 日) 关於商会: 台北市美国商会为台湾规模最大及最具影响力的外商商会,本商会主旨在於协助解决外商 在台湾面临问题并提供管道与政府当局协议,相对提昇台湾多方面投资环境。 关於会员名册: 美国商会的年度会员名册包含所有会员公司及会员的联络资料,为会员之间联络的重要参 考依据。此专案的招募对象除了基本的英语沟通能力之外,必需具备以下人格特质:细心 、积极、肯学习、有毅力及有责任感等良好的工作态度为此实习工作筛选的主要重点。 工作时间:每日 (Monday to Friday: 9:00 am ~5:30 pm), 工作时段:9 月 17 日~11 月 13 共需 2 人。 工作内容:协助制作会员名册 (MD: Membership Directory) 工作要求:需具英文会话及书信沟通能力,应届毕业生优先考虑(或大三生升大四者)。 * 面试之安排ㄧ律以Email连系。不接受其他方式联络。 * 合适者将以Email书面告知,其余将不另外通知。 * 此专案需费时约 2 个月,无诚者勿试。 欲应徵者请於98年 9月6日前将中英文履历表寄至[email protected] 并注明主旨为 AmCham MD Volunteer。 Volunteers for 2010 Membership Directory (Sept. 17 – Nov. 13, 2009) These two are full-time, unpaid positions available from Sept. 17 to Nov. 13, 2009. The major responsibility is to assist Membership Coordinator to update contact information and collect additional information from AmCham members and their companies (photo, feedback form, order form, company logo and profile, etc.) AmCham is a non-profit, non-partisan business organization dedicated to promoting the interests of international business in Taiwan. AmCham’s 900 members are all senior managers/executives representing international companies. Job Description September 17 ~ November 13: *Handle e-mail correspondence and phone inquiries related to the expanded-listing sales. *Collect and organize expanded-listing order forms. *Follow up and assist with expanded-listing sales. *Track down necessary documents (company logo & profile). *Confirm with expanded-listing purchasers for company profile and other information. *Update membership information online. Personal Attributes/ Qualifications: *Good communication skills *Results oriented *Responsible, self motivated, and able to work independently *Patient with routines *Detail-oriented *Familiar with Outlook, Excel and Word applications Please email your resume with “AmCham MD Volunteer” as email subject to Grace Yeh: [email protected] before September 6, 2009 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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