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from http://www.rugby.org/articles/rugtrain.htm By Brett Burdick Coaching Coordinator Virginia Rugby Union Over the last few years I have been asked frequently about the availability of information on Rugby Fitness Training. In general, there is no readily available information about how to train for our sport. As an initial attempt to rectify this I have cobbled together this program. I have used it myself, have given it to several of the teams that I coach, and have found it to be a pretty good system. Before you get too deep into it, however, I need to provide a couple of caveats. I am not a fitness guru nor a trained fitness instructor-I am a user of fitness information. There is no doubt in my mind that this system can (and should) be improved upon by professionals in this field. What I am providing in this system is one that I have found to be useful. I can tell you for a fact that it works to increase the overall fitness level of Rugby players. I will leave it to those who do this sort of stuff for a living to find (and correct) any deficiencies. The sources of this information are several. The weight training stuff was inspired by a book written many years ago about the Penn State Football Strength Training Program. It provides a template for effective, efficient, and rapid strength gain. The Interval Program is stolen (unabashedly) from some stuff handed-out by former ERU, MARFU, and USARFU Coach Clarence Culpepper many years ago. The Plyometrics information was gleaned from many sources in this relatively new field and, frankly, one that is poorly understood by Rugby coaches in general. If you already have a fitness program for your players or yourself, good. I offer this program as a comparison to what at least one other Rugby coach is doing. If you do not have such a program in place, I am providing this as a place to start. I encourage each coach and player to review it critically and to modify it to meet your needs. Cheers EXAMPLE RUGBY FITNESS TRAINING PROGRAM CLUB TRAINING SCHEDULE Offseason- From the end of previous season to eight weeks before the first Club Practice of the next season. Monday Weight Training and Plyometrics Tuesday Interval Training or other activity Wednesday Weight Training and Plyometrics Thursday Light and Easy Interval Training Friday Off Saturday Any Sports Activity or Fartlekking Sunday Long Slow Distance Preseason - Eight weeks before the first Club Practice of the next season to the first Club Practice. Monday - Weight Training and Plyometrics Tuesday - Interval Training Wednesday - Weight Training and Plyometrics Thursday - Interval Training Friday - Off Saturday - Fartlekking Sunday - Long Slow Distance Inseason - From the first Club Practice through the end of the season. Monday - Weight Training and Plyometrics Tuesday - Club Practice Wednesday - Interval Training Thursday - Club Practice Friday - Off Saturday - Club Match or Fartlekking Sunday - Long Slow Distance NOTES ON TRAINING 1. WEIGHT TRAINING At a minimum, the following exercises should be performed. The emphasis is on upper body strength since all of the running involved will work the lower body a lot. Still, some strength and flexibility training of the lower body should be included. 1. Military Presses-- From a sitting position pushing weight directly over your head. 2. Deltoid Lifts-- From a sitting position lifting weight outward and to the side. 3. Biceps Curls-- From a sitting position lifting weight by bending your arms. 4. Triceps Extensions-- From a sitting position lifting weight by extending your arms. 5. Pull Downs-- From a sitting position pulling weight downward and behind your neck. 6. Butterflies-- From lying on your back with your arms either fully extended or bent at the elbow lifting weight from your sides without bending your arms (i.e.-not using you biceps to lift the weight). 7. Leg Curls-- Like Biceps Curls except using your legs while lying on your stomach. 8. Leg Extensions-- Like Triceps Extensions except using your legs while sitting. 9. Anything Else that Suits Your Fancy-- Hand and wrist strengthening exercises, neck work for front row players, situps, stomach crunches, or whatever. Choose a weight with which you can perform at least 8 reps and no more than 12. If you cannot do 8, go on to the next exercise and remember to pick a lower weight next time. If you can lift more than 12, move on and next time pick a higher weight. All lifts are done to a count of TWO TO LIFT, a count of FOUR TO LOWER. The goal is to reach "momentary muscular failure," that is that you cannot lift any more weight without resting. Move immediately to the next exercise. YOU NEED ONLY TO PERFORM ONE SET PER TRAINING PERIOD. As a general rule, the Offseason is the only time you will see significant strength gains. In the Preseason and Inseason periods there are too many other activities going on and too many nagging little injuries for you to concentrate on strength. Encourage your players to continue weight training in the Offseason and you will see a stronger, fitter team come next season. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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