作者ANUBISANKH (笑面男 d(:D))
标题[公告] 这礼拜的社课
时间Mon Mar 13 11:43:03 2006
A quick intro. of Nonlinear Science
然後我就开始我这学期的 topic 啦。
1) 热力学复习 ---> dynamical system point of view
2) 一些例子 (a) 热力学系统 (冶金系统,终於有材料的东西派上用场了)
(b) 磁性系统 (focus on ferroelectric)
(c) 集体行为 (focus on synchronization)
3) Complex System ?!
"Bureaucrats!" Mallory scoffed cheerily. "They might known this would happen,
if they'd properly studied Catastrophist theory. It is a concatenation of
synergistic interactions; the whole system is on the PERIOD-DOUBLING ROUTE TO
----《Difference Engine》
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 naoyama:想去旁听 请问时间地点? 03/13 19:24
2F:推 Wolfram:每周四6:30~9:00数学系新馆讨论室(101教室旁) 03/13 22:31
3F:推 naoyama:感谢回答 ^^ 03/14 23:59
4F:推 ANUBISANKH:社课七点半开始 as usual 03/15 12:51
5F:推 Wolfram:喔...我一值以为是6:30 0rz 03/15 14:13