作者ANUBISANKH (笑面男 d(:D))
标题[公告] 明天注意事项
时间Fri Mar 10 23:18:57 2006
(1) 早上 8:30 左右二活八楼搬东西,能到者尽量来。请推文。
(2) 摊位预估同时最少需要三人在场。有一人必须不定时去装水煮咖啡。
(3) 既然有人提议放音乐,能带喇叭的就带吧(我没有)。
(4) 先这样。
"Bureaucrats!" Mallory scoffed cheerily. "They might known this would happen,
if they'd properly studied Catastrophist theory. It is a concatenation of
synergistic interactions; the whole system is on the PERIOD-DOUBLING ROUTE TO
----《Difference Engine》
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 Sokari:来罗~yo 03/10 23:31
2F:推 kaiweiliou:我有喇叭...我带过去 可是有电磁玻会叽叽叫 @@ 03/10 23:35
3F:推 chy1010::p 03/10 23:38
4F:推 ANUBISANKH:嗯 我也来推,顺便感谢学姊~ 03/10 23:40
5F:推 Wolfram:昨天太早睡了,今天又太晚起来了,抱歉没帮忙搬东西。 03/11 19:49
6F:推 Wolfram:更正:晚 03/11 23:12