作者ANUBISANKH (哭啦魔陀的逆袭)
标题[闲聊] Hate 又蓝爆了
时间Tue Feb 14 22:33:12 2006
看!!! Synchronization!!!
加油,高捷男!! (话说这次去高雄特地去看了高捷坍塌的大洞)
"Bureaucrats!" Mallory scoffed cheerily. "They might known this would happen,
if they'd properly studied Catastrophist theory. It is a concatenation of
synergistic interactions; the whole system is on the PERIOD-DOUBLING ROUTE TO
----《Difference Engine》
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 chy1010:那敝社团什麽时候会蓝爆? @@ 02/14 22:38
2F:推 ANUBISANKH:大概是.... 头版标题写着 "台大非线性科学学会利用混沌 02/14 22:41
3F:推 ANUBISANKH:理论,预测世界灭亡日期为...XXXX" 的时候 02/14 22:43
4F:推 ANUBISANKH:或是翁ㄗㄇ突然加入我们社团的时候 (逃) 02/14 22:44
5F:推 chy1010:应该写ㄨㄗㄇ... 02/14 22:48
6F:→ chy1010:没人会看成乌兹冲锋枪 02/14 22:48
7F:推 Wolfram:楼上愈来愈幽默了。XD 02/14 22:57
8F:推 ANUBISANKH:好,就 ㄨㄗㄇ 02/14 22:59
9F:推 Wolfram:这样没人猜的出来的啦。 02/14 23:00
10F:推 ANUBISANKH:Uzi (乌兹) ㄇ (machine gun) 02/14 23:40
11F:推 Wolfram:XDDDD 02/15 00:02