作者ANUBISANKH (波上的.....)
标题[公告] 寒假有 case
时间Fri Dec 23 23:12:52 2005
台中女中数研社要来观摩 (到底要关什麽魔)
就是上次... 只见到一下下的那位社长说的
大约十个人喔 (好....多....)
他们会来一天, 希望我们给点 lecture 之类的~~
"It's what they called pure mathematics." Mick laughed. "'Pure.' You know
what that means, Sybil? It means they can't get it to run." He rubbed his
hand together, grinnig. "No one can get it to run."
----《Difference Engine》
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 chy1010:不如就去许主任的实验室吧. 12/23 23:24
2F:→ chy1010:可是这跟数研什麽关系 orz 12/23 23:24
3F:推 ANUBISANKH:许主任...无缘的许主任.... 12/23 23:25
4F:推 ANUBISANKH:我觉得很有关系啊...orz 12/23 23:34