作者ANUBISANKH (不要嫌我的签名档)
标题[资讯] Mayer 的邀请
时间Mon Nov 7 07:39:59 2005
Dear C.F. Pai,
thanks for your explanations. I thought about a most appropriate topic for
this lecture and I think it would
Chaos and Noise
This is a topic that I was interested in since I was a doctoral student with
Prof Haken and it has been an important concept for our recent models of
Please let me know if you need anything else beyond the title.
I also wanted to invite you and your friends to an Einstein Evening on Friday
(11/11) 6.p.m at the German Cultural Cener (see attached
Best regards,
Gottfried Mayer
" Morning's going past us and heading your way, my friend.
You give it a chance, morning's going to bring you the
reason you need, some purpose, because that's what the
morning does."
==== Dean Knootz, SOLE SURVIOVOR ====
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 yshn:量物期中考。Orz 11/07 09:50
2F:推 ANUBISANKH:是在晚上。大家一起去吧。 11/07 18:05
3F:推 chy1010:我可以去吗 XD 好兴奋喔 11/07 20:56
4F:推 ANUBISANKH:阿我的推文不是写"大家"....Orz 11/07 22:41
5F:推 Sokari:动物组织学+生统期中考 Orz 11/08 23:29
6F:推 ANUBISANKH:大家的行程好满.... 11/09 08:43