The kit has 'defeathered' nozzles, single piece and more or less accurate looking if a little chunky with bad ('stepped' again) interiors, separate cans and _including separate rams_. No more isoceles triangles from hell ala Monovell. The LAU-128 and AMRAAM shown in early boxart shots is NOT, in fact, kit supported. You get straight AIM-9?7 with early 114 rails and the C-clamps plus vortex fins for the Sparrow. Unfortunate to say the least and not aided by the single-610 tank. The guided ESTES themselves are a little better than the Monogram perhaps (AIM-7's especially) but Italeri has this nasty habit of molding half their fins separately and then /not/ making them match the on-body units for either chordlength, span or cropped-shape. Can't say for sure here without a closer look but the problem -may- have been 'cured'. Stabs are THANK YOU ELDER GAWDS! separate but there are no separate other (aileron) C-surfaces and the way the tails tab-slot into the sides of the fuselage may complicate drooping them. Speed brake is also separate and looks fairly good in terms of topfuselage outlines (still a little deep) but the internal (underside) detail is simply not there. Unfortunately, there are indeed problems with some of the vents and gun muzzle as Lucio suggested. Unfortunately the hook enclosure looks...chunky, and will likely need some work on later birds especially (this is one of those things where if they do it right it's flimsy and often broken anyway). You get separate fin-top fairings but I haven't found an alternate (thin) harmonic balance in the sprues. There were a few Israeli birds with the EWWS fatty but not many. The Bay 5 area is done relatively well (no TEWS boxes of course) in comparison with the cockpit itself which is simply blank-vacant and has something like an F-16 crossed with F-18 main instrument panel. Far too short/shallow (worse than Hase IMO) but Lucio may get back to me on how well the BBox pit fits. ALQ-135 'sprue blobs' on BOTH tails. This may be a good thing as some of the Israeli birds especially show them on alternate and even occasionally both sides but there will definitely be some needed cleanup. Clear parts are okay, there is no separate Monogram rail system (though there is an 'insert') but even in the inner polybag, it looks like the canopy may still be a tad shallow (there is a slight bubble however!). Single HUD and landing light extras are not terribly inspiring nor is the coaming which the former sets on. Gear looks good but the 'sit' of the Eagle is somewhat unique and only full-build will tell whether it is stalky or properly haunched-down. Inlets are a strange combination of separate sidewalls with step-up (THICK) attachments on a top-fuselage roof. Interior is pure Monogram with the ' tongued' shock ramps and yet there is a wall with engine faces that I don't remember from my old kit. You do get inlet blockers if the though of no-trunking is too terrible. Wings remind me of the Monogram with it's insert spar (though they in fact meet flush with the fuselage edge instead of overlapping onto the fairings) but whereas the U.S. kit was all-internal, these slot into a gap in the lower wing. Ahem...We'll See. As well as the bulged MLG doors and the ALQ-135 wannabes, the main fuselage and nose do indeed show signs of a double seater on the way in the way a separate upper spine insert is cutout of the former and the latter's (weak lookin' to me) mating with the builtup primary assembly. Depending on those four inlet walls work, this could be one of those areas where you need to have extra care which way you do the fore-and-aft attachments. Where to put it... Same story, if you can get a bunch of stuff from Hannants, it is certainly worth the 15 bucks to avoid the Monovell with 'recessed lines besides'. Things may not be so kind once it reaches our shores and I would not pick one up for a quarter century over the 29-37 dollar Hasegawa's I have now. For the serious Acquilite, at a minimum, you are looking at a new cockpit, SOL or Hase-16 weapons and -somebodies- tanks (I hate half and half but there you go). I would also recommend added markings to at least supplement those in-kit. -- No more time for laughter No more time for sorrow No more morning after 'Cause there's no tomorrow now We are standing on the edge --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: viscious 来自: (05/30 01:50) ※ 编辑: viscious 来自: (05/30 23:30)

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