作者tmd (难过是这种感觉吧)
标题汤明哲--购并case--HK Disney
时间Sun May 25 10:12:54 2003
老师今天凌晨4:28才回信 真是等好久...
It is straightforward!
For Disney Side:
1. Evaluate the attractiveness of the project. How much does the
attractiveness of the project vary according to different economic
scenarios and financing arrangements?
Please keep in mind that you have to use levered beta to evaluate
the project (Remember the American Chemical Case)
2. What concessions do you need from HK government?
For Hong Kong government:
1. Evaluate the attractiveness of the project and conduct sensitivity
analysis for the project.
In evaluating the project, please keep in mind that tourist spending
and resulting profits do not need to count 100% as these benefits can
be generated through the same funding. In other words, from Hong Kong
point of view, the land, the loan can generate jobs and attract tourists
for the second best project if Disney is asking too much.
Other political and social concerns?
In all the cases, please detail your analysis, clearly state your
assumptions and the sources of the numbers you choose.
Good luck!
Professor Tang
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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1F:→ Cinvup:老师活在美国时间吗? 推 05/25