作者xchair (我没有腐败的资格!!)
标题汤明哲的并购case2 问题
时间Wed Mar 12 01:42:48 2003
大家应该都有收到吧 还是贴一下罗:)
Dear All:
The discussion questions of the Merck case are the following:
1. What was the rationale for PBMs?
2. Does Medco fit with Merck's strategy?
3. What does Medco bring to Merck? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
4. What does Medco get from Merck's acquisition?
5. Is health management the future?
You do not have to answer every question. Just show a thorough, and well thought analysis. Be critical.
Best regards,
Professor Tang
One more question on the Merck case.
Did Merck pay too much?
You can have all kinds of assumptions.
Good luck!
Professor Tang
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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※ 编辑: xchair 来自: (03/12 01:55)