NTUDormG3 板


关於有线网路 v.3 By 国青网管 *本文件为Windows XP、Vista和windows7、windows8、windows10的使用者编写。 *欢迎使用台大宿舍网路,使用100Mbps高速的区域网路连线是您的权利,维护自己电脑 的安全与尊重智慧财产权则是您的义务。请不定时更新病毒码,windows update,使用反 间谍软体(SpyBot, Ad-Aware SE, Spyware Terminator, Advanced Windows Care)扫瞄您 的电脑。为了维护其他使用者的权利,若您的电脑被侦测出中毒或有不法的行为,您的网 路将会被暂停使用。 *您的计中帐号(学号)必须启用、住宿服务组的资料必须在国青、电脑的网卡也没有在 其他宿舍注册过,您才可以在国青宿舍内使用有线网路。以下为注册您网卡的方式,若过 程中出现「无法显示网页」,请把「区域连线」停用再启用,无法解决问题就重开机试试 看。 Step 1 开始→控制台→1.网路连线(Windows XP) →2.网路和网际网路(Vista和windows7) →网路和共用中心(Vista和windows7) 3.在「有线网路图示」上按右键→开启网路和共用中心(windows8、windows10) Step 2 1.在「区域连线」上面按右键,选择「内容」(Windows XP、Vista、windows7) 2.点选「乙太网路」,选择「内容」(windows8、windows10) Step 3 在一般分页里,点选Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),然後按「内容」 Step 4 在「一般」分页里面,选择「自动取得IP位址」与「自动使用DNS伺服器位址」 Step 5 打开浏览器,点「请点选此处以进行宿舍网路注册」 若没出现注册页面请输入网址 Step 6 若出现凭证过期的对话视窗,请按OK让注册过程继续 Step 7 出现「宿舍网路注册系统」,请输入您的计中帐号密码登入 Step 8 请确认您的个人资料是否无误,没有错的话就按「资料确定」 Step 9 系统会自动取得您的MAC 位址 Step 10 请把得到的IP位址抄起来 Step 11 重复 Step 1至Step 3 Step 12 如果可以上网了就到这边结束。如果不行, 在「一般」分页里面,填入刚刚得到的IP位址。 子网路遮罩设255.255.255.0,预设闸道则设140.112.XXX.254。 (XXX为Step 10所得IP的140.112.XXX.YYY) DNS建议您填以下四个伺服器:,、、。 Step 13 等候五到十分钟就可以上网了,祝上网愉快*^^* *若您的室友是外籍生又看不懂中文,请协助他们注册网卡,谢谢您! *查询网卡MAC位址:执行C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe,在对话视窗内输入 ipconfig/all,找Ethernet adapter 区域连线的Physical Address。 *台大宿舍网路系统不允许两个相同的MAC位址,若您之前住在台大的其他宿舍,请确定 旧宿舍的网管已经将您的MAC位址删除。 *查询本机连线状态:「开始」→「执行」→输入「cmd」确定,在对话视窗内输入 netstat -n,就可以看到目前电脑的所有连线。 *每个IP每天的流量(上传+下载)限制为bGB,若您超过这个限制,您的IP当天会被限速 ,每天晚上十二点流量重新恢复6GB,重新计算。 *若您使用p2p软体侵犯智慧财产权而被外面的公司追踪到,您可能会收到一封来自计中 的公文。这封公文也会寄给住宿服务组、宿舍教官、以及您就读的系所,请三思。 *若遇施工或停电必须断线,恢复网路的时间有时很难掌握。若已经过了公告的预计恢 复连线时间却还没办法上网,请耐心等候。若遇校内其他单位网路施工,即使国青不在施 工范围内,仍有可能出现网路断断续续的情形。 *若您使用Outlook收信,请把邮件预览的功能关掉,以避免电脑中毒。 *简易FAQ: 无法注册网卡 请联络网管或至一楼填写维修单 忽然没办法上网 先尝试重新开机,有时候可能是作业系统出现问题。 也请尝试将作业系统更新到最新版本。 尝试其他浏览器如 Firefox、Google Chrome, 看看是否Internet Explorer 出现问题。 把网路线拔掉再重插,如果问题持续,再尝试重新安装网路卡驱动程式。 改用室友的网路孔试试看。 检查IP、DNS、闸道、子网路遮罩等设定是否有错误。台大的IP都是140.112 开头,预设闸道为140.112.XXX.254(见 step 12),子网路遮罩为255.255.255.0, DNS请填step 12建议的那4个。 换了新电脑或安装新的网路卡,请自行更改MAC位址。 或是您在宿舍系统里的资料不见了,请登入以下网页检查。 连上 选宿舍网路注册系统 如果您的IP可能被锁起来了,请至台大资通安全小组网页 http://cert.ntu.edu.tw/ip.php 依日期或IP查询 停电或施工过後,有时hub会出问题,请联络网管 速度突然变很慢 也许您当天流量已经超过6GB的限制而被限速 http://dflow.cc.ntu.edu.tw/dflow/ 线上扫毒网站 Bit defender http://www.bitdefender.com/index.php F-secure http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ 赛门铁克 http://tinyurl.com/2q735 趋势科技 http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ *联络网管的方式: 姓名 电话 E-mail (1) 贾千庆 0975023028 [email protected] (2) 陈昱呈 0928477799 [email protected] (3) 寄PTT站内信给NTUG3net (4) 请辅导员转达 *请注意网管的服务范围是:从您寝室的网路孔,到出宿舍的外部网路。很多PC的问题 ,如防火墙、电脑病毒、电脑重灌、浏览器更改编码、各种软体的使用方法与问题、让2 台电脑互传档案、让多台电脑使用同1个IP上网等疑难杂症,并不在我的服务范围之内。 请询问您的室友,或利用Google、批踢踢的AntiVirus与Trace版、Yahoo!奇摩知识、以及 各种网路论坛找寻解答。 *有任何意见请来信,网管会尽快为您服务。谢谢!祝上网愉快^^ About Internet Connection v.3 * This document is primary for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows8, windows10, and Vista users. * 1-year exchange, undergraduate, and graduate students should read this document. * Welcome to NTU dorm system. It is your right to use 100Mbps high-speed LAN Internet connection and obligation to maintain the network security and respect the IPR. Please update virus signature, update XP to SP2, and use anti-spyware software to scan computer. Your Internet connection will be suspended if your computer is affected with virus or you have performed illegal behavior. * To access the Internet in your room, your student ID (for example, r99102xxx), your data in the Student Housing Service Section of Student Affairs Division, and the MAC address of your computer must match those stored in the system. The steps to register the MAC address are listed below. During the process, if the browser shows “Cannot display webpage”, please disable the Local Area Network Connections and activate it again. Restart your computer is also an option. Step 1 Start→Control Panel→1.Network Connections(Windows XP) →2.Network and Internet(Vista and windows7) →Network and Sharing Center 3. Network and Sharing Center(windows8, windows10) Step 2 Right click on Local Area Network Connections, choose Properties Step 3 In General tab, click Internet Protocol(TCP/IP), then Properties Step 4 In General tab, choose “Obtain IP address automatically” and “ Obtain DNS server address automatically” Step 5 Open the browser→“请点选此处以进行宿舍网路注册” If the page is not available, please enter this address to register. Step 6 If some popups jump out, please click OK to continue. Step 7 The webpage shows “宿舍网路注册系统”, please enter your student ID (ex. t97942xxx) and password to log in. Step 8 Reconfirm your personal information. Then click “确定”. Step 9 The system will get the MAC address automatically. Step 10 Write down assigned IP address. Step 11 Redo step 1 to step 3. Step 12 If you can access the Internet, the setting is finished. In General tab, fill in IP assigned, gateway as 140.112.XXX.254, subnet mask as (The XXX in gate way is the third numbers of 140.112.XXX.YYY, the IP you got in Step 10) The DNS servers are:,,, and Step 13 After 5-10 minutes you can access the Internet. Enjoy surfing *^^* * Steps to check the MAC address: execute C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe and type “ipconfig /all”. Look up the “Physical Address” of “Ethernet adapter LAN.” * If you use p2p software to download protected files, you may receive an official document because some company has traced your delinquency. This document is also sent to the student housing service section, the counselor, and your dept. * The limit on the network flow of each IP (upload+download) is 6GB. If your IP breaks this limit, the connection speed will be reduced to 256Kbps. The quota of flow resets everyday AM12:00 . * Some frequently asked questions: Cannot access the Internet suddenly Restart the computer. Try to use Firefox、Google Chrome to make sure it's not IE's problem. Unplugging the network cable and then re-inserted, and try to reinstall the network card driver If your roommate can access the Internet via your network hole, there are some problems with your PC. Check the configuration of IP, DNS, gateway, and subnet mask. Note that NTU IP always starts with 140.112. Please check Step 12. If you are using a new computer, please enter a new MAC add via After the power cut or construction, it is possible that the hub will malfunction. Please contact the Internet Guy. Your IP may be locked by NTU computer center. Please check this webpage: http://cert.ntu.edu.tw/ip.php Low connection speed Maybe the network flow of your IP has already been larger than the 6 GB limit. http://dflow.cc.ntu.edu.tw/dflow/ Online virus scan Bit defender http://www.bitdefender.com/index.php F-secure http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ Symantec http://0rz.net/7401x Trend Micro http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ Keep your computer safe Ad-aware SE http://0rz.net/ca0uu SpyBot http://0rz.net/7506g Advanced Windows Care http://iobit.com/ *The ways to contact the Internet Guy: Name Cell phone Number E-mail (1) Huang, Yu-Lun 0905504648 [email protected] (2) Chen, Yu-Cheng 0928477799 [email protected] (3) Send mail to PTT NTUG3net (4) Contact the dorm managers * Please note that the Internet Guy’s service range is from the network hole in your room to the Internet outside this building. Most PC problems are not included in his service range, such as the firewall, computer viruses, reinstalling the OS, changing the coding of the browser, the usage and problem of every kind of software, making two computers share files, making multiple computers share the Internet connection via single IP address, etc. Please ask your roommate or search information on Google, the AntiVirus and the Trace boards in Ptt, and all kinds of online forums. * If you have any opinion, please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you! --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:→ NTUG3net:有问题欢迎提出或是联络我们。 :) 03/29 20:24
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