作者tinganchang (新的开始)
时间Tue Feb 25 19:11:48 2003
※ [本文转录自 NTUAC89 看板]
作者: tinganchang (新的开始) 看板: NTUAC89
标题: 课程资讯
时间: Tue Feb 25 19:11:26 2003
就是ㄚ 化学系加开一门课
课程名称是现代磁共振光谱学(Modern NMR Spectroscopy)
这门课是研究所的课 但我去问了大学部选修可以承认
Course Content
1.Introduction Basic principles of NMR
2.Concepts of magnetization and nuclear spin relaxation
3.Detection of NMR singals RF phase Spin echoes Measurements of T1&T2
4.Continuous wave NMR Pulsed NMR Fourier Transform NMR
5.Small molecules in solutions Muleuple-wpin systems Isotropic chemical
shift and electron-coupled nuclear spin-spin coupling
6.Solid-state NMR Magnetic shielding Chemical shift anisotropy
Understanding chemical shift
7.Dipolar interactions
8.J-coupling and structural determination
9.Quadrupolar Nuclei
10.Molecular motions on NMR spectra Coherent vs stochastic average
11.The effects of chemical exchange
12.Nuclear spin relaxztion Homogeneous T2 vs heterogeneous broadening of
resonance lines
13.Solid-state NMR revisited Cross-polarization and magic angle spinning
14.Polarization transfer Population and coherences
15.2D NMR the 2-D J-resolved experiment
16.Correlated spectroscopy The COSY and TOSCY experiment
17.NEclear Overhauser enhancement Cross-relaxation The 1-D and 2-D NOESY
18.Determination of NMR structures in solution
19.Other pulse sequences Heteronuclear editing
20.3D and 4D NMR
21.Case studies of protein and nucleic acid structure
22.Characterization of protein dynamics and molecular motions in nucleic acids
23.Dynamic structure of bilayer menbranes NMR of liquid crystals
Magnetic resonance in ultra-high magnetic fields
24.NMR of paramagnetic molecules Heme proteins ENDOR
25.Principles of magnetic resonance imaging
26.In vivo magnetic resonance imaging
" I believe the nature of chemical bond is not so simple as some people
seen to think"
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From:
" I believe the nature of chemical bond is not so simple as some people
seen to think"
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
◆ From: