NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰总体经济学原理 课程性质︰必修/通识 A5 课程教师︰吴中书 开课学院: 开课系所︰ 考试日期(年月日)︰2023/4/10 考试时限(分钟):110 分钟 试题 : 1. Angus the sheep farmer sells wool to Barnaby the knitter for $20. Barnaby makes two sweaters, each of which has a market price of $40. Collette buys one of them, while the other remain on the shelf of Barnaby's store to be sold later. What's the GDP here? a. $40 b. $60 c. $80 d. $100 2. After graduation, an America college student moves to Japan to teach English. Her salary is included a. in U.S. GNI and Japan's GDP b. only in U.S. GDP c. on both U.S. GDP and Japan's GDP d. in neither U.S. GDP nor Japan's GDP 3. If all quantities produced rise by 5 percent and compared to base year all prices also increase by 5 percent, which of the following best describes what occurs? a. Real GDP rise by 5 percent, while nominal GDP increases by 10 percent. b. Real GDP and nominal GDP all rise by 5 percent. c. Real GDP rises by 5 percent, while nominal GDP is unchanged. d. Real GDP is unchanged, while nominal GDP rises by 10 percent. 4. To obtain a measure of the amount produced that is not affected by changes in prices, we use? a. GDP deflator b. GDP inflator c. Real GDP d. Nominal GDP 5. When a domestic household, firm, or government buys a good or service from abroad, the purchase reduces? a. Consumption b. Government purchases c. Investment d. Net exports The table shows the value of the consumer price index and the nominal interest rate over three consecutive years: Year CPI Nominal Interest Rate 1 233 2.4 2 236.7 2.5 3 237 2.1 6. According to the table, what was the real interest rate in Year 3? a. 1.8% b. 2.0% c. 2.2% d. 2.4% 7. During the deflation periods, the nominal interest rate will be ____ than real interest rate; a borrower who obtained a fix- rate mortgage before the deflation period was ____. a. higher, benefited. b. higher, harmed. c. lower, benefited. d. lower, harmed. 8. We assume that the consumption price index is 300 in year 1990 and 400 in year 2010. Assume that a worker earned $1200 a week in year 1990. What the same purchasing power in year 2010? a. $900 b. $1200 c. $1600 d. $2000 The table is for Question 9 and 10. Suppose that people consume only three goods, which price and quantity are documented as Good A Good B Good C 2017 price $2 $4 $1 2017 quantity 100 100 200 2018 price $2 $6 $2 2018 quantity 100 100 200 9. What is the cost of market basket in 2018? a. 600 b. 800 c. 1000 d. 1200 10. What is the percent change in the overall price level during 2017 to 2018? a. -50% b. 0% c. 50% d. 100% 11. Because consumers can sometimes substitute cheaper goods for those that have risen in price, a. the CPI overstates inflation. b. the CPI understates inflation. c. the GDP deflator overstates inflation. d. the GDP deflator understates inflation. 12. If a Pennsylvania gun manufacturer raises the price of rifles it sells to the U.S. Army, its price hikes will increase a. both the CPI and the GDP deflator. b. neither the CPI nor the GDP deflator. c. the CPI but not the GDP deflator. d. the GDP deflator but not the CPI. 13. In order to relieve household burden under the impact of COVID-19, the Department of Treasury announced a tax-cut program to reduce personal income tax, holding others to be equal and consumers maximize their lifetime utility; that is, they will save all the tax-cut, then what will happen? a. In order to balance the budget, the government will have to issue bonds and increase the demand for loanable funds so that the interest rate will rise. b. The government deficit increases, and thus the public savings drop, and decreases the supply of loanable funds so that the interest rate will rise. c. Demand for loanable funds will increase, and the supply of loanable funds will decrease, increasing the interest rate. d. The national saving remains unchanged so that the interest rate won't change. 14. At an annual interest rate of 10 percent, about how many years will it take $100 to double in value? a. 5 b. 7 c. 9 d. 11 15. The market price of the air conditioning is $1500. An air conditioning company offers a warranty of three years on a new air conditioner, at the cost of $140. The air conditioner has a 15% probability of a breakdown each year. A similar air conditioner will cost $1000 in year 1, $650 in year 2, and $350 year 3. The interest rate on your credit card is 12%. Refer to the scenario above. The net present value of buying the warranty is? a. $278 b. $109.02 c. $135.65 d. $85 16. Which of the following correctly identifies a Malthusian cycle? a. An increase in GDP would increase GDP per capita above subsistence, which would cause a decrease in the size of the population that would reduce pressure on resources and increase GDP per capita further. b. An increase in GDP would increase GDP per capita above subsistence, which would cause an increase in the size of the population that would increase pressure on resources and that would further increase GDP per capita. c. An increase in GDP would increase GDP per capita above subsistence, which would cause an increase in the size of the population which would increase pressure on resources d. A decrease in GDP would decrease GDP per capita below subsistence, which would cause an increase in the size of the population which would increase pressure on resources and eventually reduce GDP per capita. 17. What is the source of the supply of loanable funds? a. A Firm borrows to invest b. A household buys bonds c. Government issues bonds d. Central Bank sells bonds 18. What is the source of the demand of loanable funds? a. Families take out mortgages to buy new homes. b. Central Bank buys bonds c. Household deposits in a bank d. A firm issues a dividend 19. Suppose the government offered a tax credit for depreciation, investment, and innovation. Then which of the following could occur in equilibrium? a. higher saving b. higher consumption c. higher leisure d. higher wage 20. In national income accounting, which of the following pairs of terms could interchange? a. investment and public saving b. investment and private saving c. private saving and purchases of stocks and bonds d. public saving and government tax revenue minus government spending 21. Which of the following is false about a mutual fund? a. allow investors with small amounts of money to diversify their portfolios. b. if the value of the portfolio rises, the shareholder benefits; if the value of the portfolio falls, the shareholder suffers no loss. c. a mutual fund is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection of various types of both stocks and bonds. d. a mutual fund could give people access to the skills of professional asset managers. 22. Consider a closed economy. In which cases national saving must equal private saving? a. the government's tax revenue is equal to its expenditures. b. after paying their taxes and paying for their consumption, households have nothing left. c. public saving is equal to investment. d. private saving is equal to government expenditures. 23. What do economists call financial institutions through which savers can indirectly provide funds to borrowers? a. stock markets b. monetary markets c. bond markets d. financial intermediaries 24. James offers you $1,000 today or $X in 7 years. If the interest rate is 4.5 percent, then you would prefer to take the $1,000 today if and only if a. X at least lower than $1045 b. X at least lower than $1189 c. X at least lower than $1267 d. X at least lower than $1361 25. Suppose you put $400 into a bank account today. Interest is paid annually and the annual interest rate is 7 percent. The future value of the $400 after 4 years is? a. 490.02 b. 512.00 C. 524.32 d. 561.02 26. In which of the following instance is the present value of the future payment the largest? a. You will receive $1000 in 5 years and the annual interest rate is 5 percent. b. You will receive $1000 in 10 years and the annual interest rate is 3 percent. c. You will receive $2000 in 10 years and the annual interest rate is 10 percent. d. You will receive $2400 in 15 years and the annual interest rate is 8 percent. 27. If you presently have $50000 saved and earn 15 percent interest per year, about how many years will it take for your investment to triple? a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d. 12 28. What do moral hazard and adverse selection have in common? a. They create desirable results. b. They have asymmetric information. c. They have reliable information. d. They help one make great decisions. 29. In the car repair market, moral hazard is a problem because: I. The car owner might pay money for a repair or service that was not needed. II. The car owner might opt not to get a repair that was actually needed for fear of being ripped off. III. The car owner has more information about the car's status than the car mechanic. a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. I and II and III e. I Only f. Il Only g. III Only 30. Historically, index funds have had _____ than most actively managed mutual funds. a. higher fees b. less diversification c. larger tax burdens d. better returns ________________________________________________ Answer: caacd [第6题送分]dcdc addbb cbaad b[a或c]ddc abbad --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/NTU-Exam/M.1686302739.A.C9D.html ※ 编辑: axidefprothe ( 台湾), 06/09/2023 17:43:46 ※ 编辑: axidefprothe ( 台湾), 06/09/2023 18:05:32 ※ 编辑: axidefprothe ( 台湾), 06/09/2023 18:07:48

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