作者weisl (威索)
标题[试题] 100下 周建富 经济数学一 期末考
时间Sun Jul 8 18:56:17 2012
试题 :
1.An individual, with utility function U(w)= -e^(-aw) , has an initial
wealth W to invest, which can be divided between two assets: A safe
asset with a return of $1 per $ invested and a risky asset with a
random return of $z per $ invested. z has an exponential density
∞ 1
function f(z) = λe^(-λz) with E(z) = ∫ z f(z) dz = ---- > 1.
0 λ
Let α and W-α denote the amounts of wealth invested in the risky
and the safe asset; respectively. The wealth will be W + α(z + 1).
The expected utility maximization problem is
max E(U) = E(U(W + α(z - 1))) = [-e^(-a(W - α)) ] ------------
aα + λ
(a)Calculate the FOC for an interior solution α* and find it.
(b)State the Kuhn-Tucker condition for the boundary solution when
α* = W .
(c)Find the condition for the boundary solution to hold.
(d)Show that E(U) is a concave function of α.
(Hint: E(U) = [-λe^(-aW)][e^(aα)] ---------- . Let x ≡aα
aα + λ
and f(x) ≡ [e^x] ------- .
x + λ 2
δ E(U)
Show that f''(x)>0 so that ------------- <0.)
δ α^2
a a 1
2.Let F(X,Y) = (X + Y )^(-----) , X,Y>0 , a<1.
(a)Show that F(X,Y) is homogeneous of degree 1.
(b)Let y≡ ----- . F(X,Y) can be written as Xf(y). What is f(y)?
(c)Calculate F (X,Y) and show that it is homogeneous of degree 0.
(d)F (X,Y) can be written as g(y). What is g(y)?
3.The utility of A (a consumer/borrower) is U(C1 ,C2) = C1 C2 , where
C1 is the consumption today and C2 the consumption tomorrow. A has
$ Y1 today and $ Y2 tomorrow, Y1<Y2. To simplify, assume that interest
rate is r = 0 and therefore the budget constraint is C1 + C2 = Y1 + Y2.
The consumer has a credit limit of $q so that C1 - Y1 <= q.
The utility maximization problem is
max C1C2
subject to: C1 + C2 = Y1 + Y2 , C1 - Y1 <= q.
(a)State the Lagrangian of the problem and the Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
(b)Find the solution(there are two cases).
(c)For each case what is the marginal utility of income?
(d)For each case what is the marginal utility of the credit limit q?
4.The extensive form of a 2-person game is as follows:
L 1 R
/ \
2/ \2
l / \r L /\ R
[4] [ 2] [0] [8]
[2] [10] [0] [4]
(a)Use backward induction to find the sub-game perfect Nash Equilibrium
of the game.
(b)What are the pure strategy sets for players I and II.
(c)Construct the normal(strategic) form of the game.
(d)Find the other Nash Equilibrium and explain why it is not sub-game
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