作者twc94 (蔡哲)
标题[试题] 100下 陈逸聪 物理化学 期末考
时间Mon Jun 25 23:40:01 2012
考试时限(分钟):120 (open book)
试题 :
1. │ΨA(1) ΨA(2)│
For the wavefunction Ψ=│ │ show that (a)the interchange of
│ΨB(1) ΨB(2)│
two columns changes the sign of the wavefunction, (b)the interchange of
two rows changes the sign of the wavefunction, and(c)the two electrons
cannot have the same spin orbital.
2.Show that one of the Huckel molecule orbitals for 1,3-butadiene, Ψ1, in
Eq.11.75 on page 423 of the Textbook is normalized and that it is orthognal
to Ψ2, Ψ3, andΨ4
3.Using Huckel molecular-orbital theory, determine whether the linear state
(H-H-H ) or the triangular state of (a) H + is the more stable state
╱ ╲
H —— H
Repeat the calculation for (b)H3 and (c)H3
4.For a molecule, you normally see its emission spectra in the UV-visible
spectral range. You might also find its infrared emission spectra, but
you hardly hear that it has microwave emission. Explain these facts by
using the Einstein coefficient A to calculate the lifetimes for the
excited states that are responsible for these electronic, vibrational,
and rotational transitions.
5. 12 14
The bond length in C N is 117pm and its force constant is 1630N/m.
12 14
Predict the vibrational-rotational spectrum of C N.
6.The following data are obtained for the vibration-rotation spectrum of
79 ~ ~ ~ ~
H Br. Determine B , B , B , and α from these data.
0 1 e e
Line Frequency/(1/cm)
R(0) 2642.60
R(1) 2658.36
P(1) 2609.67
P(2) 2592.51
7. ~ -1 ~ ~ -1 23 19
Given that ν =536.10 cm and χ ν =3.4 cm for N F, calculate the
e e e
frquencies of the first and second vibrational overtone transitions.
8.Show that the moment of inertia for a symmetrical tetrahedral molecule,
such as CH , is 2 where R is the bond length and m is the mass
4 I= 8mR /3
of each of the four atoms arranged in a tetrahedral manner.
9.The rotational wavefunctions for a diatomic molecule can be represented by
spherical harmonics, i.e., │J,M > = Y (θ,φ). Show that the rotational
transition J=0→J=1 is allowed, but J=0→J=2 is forbidden in microwave
spectroscopy (in the rigid-rotator approximation)
10.The formaldehyde molecule, H CO, belongs to a C symmetry group and has
2 2v
six vibrational normal modes as illustrated below
(a)Try to point out the symmetry representation for each of the six
(b)For the six vibrations, which are infrared active and/or Raman active
↑ ↑ ↑
○ ○ ○
υ1 │ υ2 │ υ3 │
↑ │ ↑
○ ○ ○
/ \ ↖ /↓\ ↗ / \
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
↙ ↘ ↘ ↙
○→ ←○ ○
υ4 │ υ5 │ υ6 │
│ │ │
○→ ○→ ○-
/ ↖ ↖ / \ / \
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
↙ ↙ + +
C2v E C2 σv(xz) σv'(yz)
2 2 2
A1 1 1 1 1 z,z ,x ,y
A2 1 1 -1 -1 xy
B1 1 -1 1 -1 x,xz
B2 1 -1 -1 1 y,yz
11.The vibrational term of a diatomic molecule is given by
~ 2~ ~
G(v)=(v+0.5) v - (v+0.5) χ v where ν is the vibrational quantum
e e e
(a)Show that the spacing between the adjacent levels ΔG is given by
~ ~
ΔG(v)=G(v+1)-G(v)= v [1-2χ (v+1)] (1)
e e
The diatomic molecule dissociates in the limit that ΔG(v)→0
(b)Show that the maximum vibrational quantum number, v , is given by
~ max
v =(1/2χ )-1
max e
(c)Use this result to show that the dissociation energy D of the diatomic
~ ~2 ~ ~ ~
molecule can be written as D = v (1-χ )/4χ ~ v /4χ (2)
e e e e e e
~ ~
(d)Refering to equation 1, explain how the constant v and χ can be
e e
evaluated from a plot of ΔG versus v+1. This type of plot is called
~ ~
a Birge-Sponer plot. Once the values of v and χ are known.
e e
Equation 2 can be used to determine the dissociation energy of the
(e)Use the following experimental data for H to calculate the dissociation
~ 2
energy D .
e v G(v) (1/cm) v G(v) (1/cm)
0 4161.12 7 26830.97
1 8087.11 8 29123.93
2 11782.35 9 31150.19
3 15250.36 10 32886.85
4 18497.92 11 34301.83
5 21505.65 12 35351.01
6 24287.83 13 35972.97
(f)Explain why your Birge-Sponer plot is not linear for high values of v.
How does the value of D obtained from the Birge-Sponer analysis
e -1
compare with the experimental value of 38269.48 cm ?
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