作者d3osef (阿嘉)
标题[试题] 100上 魏凯立 经济学原理上 期末考
时间Sun Jun 24 23:32:50 2012
课程性质︰必修 / 通识 A5*
试题 :
Multiple Choice Questions
1.What is a "price taker ? "
(a) A buyer who pays a price
(b) A seller who receives the money
(c) A person who cannot affect a good's price
(d) A monopolist who determines a good's price
2. Average total cost is lowest when:
(a) The quantity of a good produced is incerased
(b) There is no fixed cost
(c) Markets are perfectly competitive
(d) It is equal to the marginal cost
3. A monopsony exists when:
(a) A good has only one seller
(b) A good has only one buyer
(c) The supply of a good is perfectly inelastic
(d) The demand for a good is perfectly elastic
4. Why does a firm in a perfectly competitive market face a horizontal demand
curve ?
(a) Consumers do not care what price the firm changes
(b) The amount the firm produces does not affect prices
(c) The firm's cost of production does not depend on quantity
(d) The quantity produces determines the firm's cost of production
5. The prisoner's dilemma model is used to show:
(a) Why collusion is difficult among oligopolists
(b) Why it is wrong to break the law
(c) Why price in all markets depends on the cost of production
(d) Why competition occurs in markets with monopolistic competiton
6. How does a club good differ from a public good ?
(a) A club good is consumed by many people together
(b) One person consuming a club good doesn't interfere with consumption of the
good by others
(c) A club good has a high fixed cost
(d) Users of a club good can be forced to pay
7. What explains why rhinos are almost extinct while cows are still numerous ?
(a) the prisoner's dilemma
(b) the tragedy of the commons
(c) monopoly power
(d) diminishing marginal productivity
8. Why is a 10% tax on food a regressive tax ?
(a) The tax falls on both the consumers and producers
(b) The tax takes more money from the poor than from the rich
(c) The rich spend less of their income on food than the poor
(d) The price elasticity of food is less than one
9. National governments in the developed world get most of their tax revenue
(a) Income taxes
(b) Land taxes
(c) Sales taxes
(d) Tariffs and export taxes
10. What type costs do acountants often ignore ?
(a) sunk costs (b) opportunity costs (c)variable costs (d)rental costs
11. If there is no collusion, is there a deadweight loss in oligopoly markets?
(a) Yes always
(b) No never
(c) Only in a duopoly market
(d) Only if the oligopolists can practice price discrimination
Short ansers
12. Why are there no long-term profits in markets with monopolistic
competition ?
13. Why doesn't a monopoly ever produce on the inelastic portion of its
demand curve ?
14. Why does price discrimination by a monopolist increase the total surplus
in the market ?
15. What is a Nash equilibrium ? In an oligopoly market is collusion usually
a Nash equilibrium ?
16. Give a definition for " public good " Give one example of a public good
17. What is meant by " diseconomies of scale ? "
How does this differ from " diminishing marginal productivity ? "
18. Give two possible reasons wages for unskilled labor have been falling in
the U.S. over the last 20 years
19. A small firm in a perfectly competitive market claims it has a fixed cost
of $10,000 and a variable cost of $10 per unit. Can this claim be correct
? Why or why not ?
(A) Draw a diagram showing a monopolistic competitive firm in a long-run
equilibrium state. Remember to draw
(1) a demand curve (2) a marginal cost curve
(3) an average total cost curve and (4) a marginal revenue curve.
Clearly mark the long-term eaulibrium quantity produced and the long-term
equilibrium price
(B) Now draw a second diagram showing what will result if more consumers enter
the market. Again draw all four lines and clearly mark the short-run
equilibrium quantity and price
(C) What should now happen to bring the monopolistic competitive market back
into long-run equilibrium ?
21. Below is the demand schedule for steel in an economy. Suppose that steel
costs $50 per unit to produce.
(A) How much steel would a profit-maximizing monopolist produce ?
(B) How much steel would be produced if the market were perfectly competitive?
(C) If this market were perfectly competitve, how large would the consumer
surplus would be ?
(D) If this market were a monopoly, how large would the consumer surplus
would be ?
(E) If this market were a monopoly, how large would the deadweight loss would
be ?
Quantity Price Total revenue Total cost
10,000 30 300,000 500,000
9,000 40 360,000 450,000
8,000 50 400,000 400,000
7,000 60 420,000 350,000
6,000 70 420,000 300,000
5,000 80 400,000 250,000
4,000 90 360,000 150,000
3,000 100 300,000 150,000
2,000 110 220,000 100,000
1,000 120 120,000 50,000
0 130 0 0
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