NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通生物学乙 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰林赞标 开课学院: 开课系所︰农化系、神经认知学程、地科学程 考试日期(年月日)︰2011.11.21 考试时限(分钟):110分钟 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : (该次考试有两份试卷,以下仅有林赞标老师出题部分) 另外题号後面之括弧内为答案 1. ( c, d ) Which of the description of plastoquinine is not true? a) Plastoquinone is a component of PSII b) Plastoquinone shuttles electrons from pheophytin to the cytochrome complex. c) Plastoquinone is small hydrophilic molecule and lipid soluble d) The protons transported by plastoquinone result in a large concentration of proteins in the thylakois lumen. 2. (b) The electron transport chain occurs in the a) outer membrane b) inner membrane c) outer and inner membrane d) matrix of the mitochondrion. 3. Explain what is "chemiosmotic hypothesis". ANS.--> An energetic coupling mechanism whereby energy stored in an electrochemical proton gradient (proton-motive force) is used to drive a production of ATP. 4. (d) Why are NADH and FADH2 said to have "reducing power"? a) humid b) cold and dry c) cold and humid d) hot and dry habitats. 5. (b) a) They are the reduced forms of NAD+ and FAD b) They donate electron to components of the ETC, reducing those components c) They travel between the cytosol and the mitochondria d) They have the power to reduce CO2 to glucose. 6. (c) a) When an electron is excited by a photon b) transformation of electronmagnetic energy to chemical energy c) energy on electrons is transferred to nearby pigment molecules d) transfer of energy to the elestron receptor. 7. (a) a) stroma pH8 and thylakoid lumen pH5 b) stroma pH8 and thylakoid lumen pH4 c) stroma pH5 and thylakoid lumen pH8 d) stroma pH4 and thylakoid lumen pH7 8. (b) What do carotenoid in photosynthesis? a) they turn northern forests into spectacular display of yellow and orange b) they extend the range of wavelengths that can derive photosynthesis c) they can generate gree radicals in photosynthesis d) the pigment of light-dependent readtions use CO2 to make ATP. 9. (d) Why do the absorption spectrum for chlotophyll and the action spectrum for photosynthesis coincide? a) Photosysten I and II are activated by different wavelengths of light b) Wavelength of litht that are absorbed by chlorophyll trigger the light-capturing c) Energy from wavelengths and absorbed by carotenoids is passed on to chlorophyll d) The rate of photosynthesis depends on the amount of light received. 10. (d) How are the electrons lost from photosystem II replaced? a) They come from photosystem I b) They come directly from energetic photons c) They diffus through the thylakoid membrane d) Water is split to yield two with oxygen as by-product. 11.The overall reaction of photosynthesis was expressed as A and B: A. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Light → C6H12O6 + 6 O2 B. 6 CO2 +12 H20 + Light → C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O Why B is more accurate than A? ANS.--> 6 O2 comes fron the split of the 12 H2O 12.(c)Glycolysis is regulated in response to the amount of ATP in the cell. Specifically, high levels of ATP will regulate the activity of phosphofructokinase, a key enzyme in glycolysis. How does this regulation occur? a) ATP binds to the enzyme’s active site, increasing enzyme activity. b) ATP inhibits the synthesis of new enzyme molecules. c) ATP binds to the enzyme’s regulatory site, resulting in a conformational change that inhibits enzyme activity. d) ATP activates the production of new enzyme molecules. 13.(a) Where does the citric acid cycle occur in the eukaryotes? a) in the cytosol b) in the matrix of mitochondria c) in the inner membrane of mitochondioa d) in the intermembrane space of mitochondria 14.(b) What do the light-capturing reactions of photosynthesis produce? a) G3P b) ATP and NADPH c) RuBP d) sucrose or stach --

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