NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰ 国际公法 课程性质︰ 法律系必修 课程教师︰ 黄昭元 开课学院: 法律 开课系所︰ 法律 考试日期(年月日)︰ 101/06/21 考试时限(分钟): 110 是否需发放奖励金: 是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 说明: 1. 可参考任何资料。 2. 请标明题号。 3. 控制时间!多写瞎掰,损人不利己,成绩不是照字数算的。 第一题:(每小题10分) (1)假设A,B两地原均为「暗黑神龙国」(可简称X国)之殖民地,经多年武力抗争, A,B均在1960年间主张人民自觉并宣布独立,A地成立「龙骑士共和国」(A国), B地成立「猫战士民主国」(B国)。A,B两国并相互承认,缔结「龙猫互不侵犯同 盟条约」。X国随即承认A国独立,但拒绝承认B国,主张B地之宣布独立破坏X国 之领土主权完整,违反国际法,并继续以武力镇压B地/猫战士民主国之独立。 (2) 然A,B两地间长期以来本即有领土争议,1970年A国突然出兵攻占B地/猫战士民主 国境内的b1省,宣称b1省向来为A国之固有领土,只是被前殖民者X国於1850年间 不当划归B国,因此A国有权收复失土。 (3) X国因长期对B地/猫战士民主国用兵,又因在国内实施高压统治,於1980年代晚 期引发内战,X国境内的白龙族人因此成立「光明神龙解放阵线」。1990年底, 上述阵线已占领X国大约3成领土,因此宣布成立革命政府,以合法政府自居,并 改国号为「光明神龙国」,要求各国承认。虽然X国内战仍在进行中,但有20多 国迅即发表「迎向光明联合公报」,立即承认光明神龙国革命政府(X2政府)为该 国之合法政府。 (4) 原暗黑神龙国中央政府(X1政府)为争取B地/猫战士民主国支持,於1991年初与後 者缔约,X1政府正式承认猫战士民主国(B国)之独立,两国立即停火,并建立外交 关系。X1政府在条约中并承认b1省为B国领土。B国因此派兵援助X1政府,加入其对 X2政府的内战。A国不满X1政府只承认b1省主权归属B国,因此随即派军支援X2政府 ,并宣布不再承认B国为主权国家。经过多年内战,X2政府终於在1995年推翻X1政 府,控制该国全境。光明神龙国政府(X2政府)於1995年底宣布不再承认B国为独立 国家,除立法禁止该国人民养猫以外,并派遣「米老鼠军团」继续对猫战士民主国 (B国)作战。 请以上述四段假设事实作为基础,每段各提出一个国际法问题,再自行回答(需扼 要说明理由)。这一大题考的是「自问自答」,要先自行从事实中看出争点,形成 问题,再附理由扼要回答自己提出的问题。四个问题所涉及的争点不可重复,一个 问题请尽量限缩於一个争点,以免开花。 第二题(60分) 国际法院在1950年「庇护案」(asylum Case)认为: The Colombian Government has finally invoked "American international law in general". In addition to the rules arising from agreements which have already been considered, it has relied on an alleged regional or local custom peculiar to Latin-American States. The Party which relies on a custom of this kind must prove that this custom is established in such a manner that it has become binding on the other Party. The Colombian Government must prove that the rule invoked by it is in accordance with a constant and uniform usage practiced by the States in question, and that this usage is the expression of a right appertaining to the State granting asylum and a duty incumbent on the territorial State. This follows from Article 38 of the Statute of the Court, which refers to international custom" as evidence of a general practices accepted as law" 国际法院ICJ在1969年「北海大陆礁案」(North Sea Continental Shelf Case)判决中 认为: 73. With respect to the other elements usually regarded as necessary before a conventional rule can be considered to have a general rule of international law, it might be that, even without the passage of any considerable period of time, a very widespread and representative participation in the convention might suffice of itself, provided it included that of States whose interests were specially affected. In the present case however, the Court notes that, even if allowance is made for the the existence of a nummer of States to whom participation in the Geneva Convention is not open, or which, by reason for instance of being land- locked States, would have no interest in becoming parties to it, the nummer of ratifications and accessions so far secured is, though respectable, hardly sufficient. That non-ratification may sometimes be due to factors other than active disapproval of the convention concerned can hardly constitute basis on which positive acceptance of its principles can hardly implied: the reasons are speculative, but the facts remain. 请问: (1) 上述「庇护案」判决摘要的核心重点是在分析习惯国际法的那一项要件(指最 主要的一项不是有提到的就算)?并请引用判决文字,扼要说明国际法院对此要件的 阐释(10%) (2) 上述「北海大陆礁层案」判决摘要的核心重点是在分析习惯国际法的那一项要件 (指最 主要的一项不是有提到的就算)?并请引用判决文字,扼要说明国际法院对此要件的 阐释(10%) (3) 联合国大会於1989年12月15日通过Second Optional Protocol to the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the aboliton of the death penalty并开放给签署国批准及所有非签署国加入。公约第8条第1项 规定,如有10国批准或加入,本公约即可生效。按本公约於1991年7月11日已经正式 生效。至2012年6月止,本公约计有35个签署国(signatories)及74个缔约国(parties) 目前联合国会员国有192国。 上述公约Article 1: "1. No one within the jurisdiction of the State Party to the present Protocol shall be excuted. 2. Each State Party shall take all necessary measures to abolish the death penalty within its jurisdiction" Article 2:"1.No reservation is admissble to the present Protocol, except for a reservation made at the time of ratification on accession that provides for the application of the death penalty in time of war pursuant to a conviction for a most serious crime of a military nature committed during wartime..." 参照上述两案例判决意旨及相关国际法理论,你认为上述公约第1条第1项规定,能 否拘束非缔约国?理由?(20%) (4) 事实基础承(3),查波兰(Poland)曾於2000年3月21日签署本公约,但至今仍未批 准。欧洲国家(含前苏联所属的独立国协各国)中则已有8成(35国以上)批准或加入 本公约而成为缔约国。欧洲人权公约已有废除死刑的规定,波兰为欧洲人权公约之缔 约国(共47国)。请问:欧洲国家能否主张波兰应受上述second optional protocol之 拘束?理由?(20%) -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 编辑: traurigkeit 来自: (06/21 15:37)
1F:→ boo19900520 :已收入法律系 06/21 17:13
2F:推 cyndimax :好有耐心 06/22 01:29
3F:推 trees880098 :第一题第一小题暗黑神龙国的简称是否误植 06/22 07:14
4F:推 d8009051991 :太夸张了.... 06/22 13:31
※ 编辑: traurigkeit 来自: (06/22 23:32)

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