作者bztfir (蝴蝶)
标题[试题] 100下 薛智文 作业系统 期末考
时间Wed Jun 20 13:46:29 2012
课程名称︰ 作业系统
课程性质︰ 系必修
课程教师︰ 薛智文
开课学院: 电资学院
开课系所︰ 资讯工程学系
考试日期(年月日)︰ 2012.6.20
考试时限(分钟): 180
是否需发放奖励金: 是
试题 :
This is an open-book and open-own-note exam. Please do answer with your own
words in ORDER of question number for LESS THAN 10 lines per question. Provide
your own question definition if you feel it is not clear enough. Points will be
deducted if your answer is difficult to read or exceeds length limitation. You
can write in Chinese and keep this paper. Good luck.
1. What is the main difference in preventing (not avoiding) deadlock between a
single-node system and a distributed system? [10%] And the same question for
maintaining mutual exclusion. [10%] Hint: answer the same difference for
both questions together.
2. What problem does working-set model solve for memory management? [10%] If
the memory management adopts buddy system, what are the effects to the
parameters of working-set model? [10%]
3. List the similar 3 problems and their (similar or different) solutions in
management and secondary storage (disk). [20%]
4. If we would like to design a (distributed) system to report, collect, and
broadcast emergent situations during big-area disasters such as typhoon,
earthquake... and the communication channels might temporarily (not
permanently) break, some nodes or files might not be available temporarily
or permanently... and these might be some malicious wrong information.
List 3 or more important techniques which can help to improve the system
robustness, availability, or security. (at least one for each) [20%]
Which one is the most important one to apply first? Why? [5%]
5. To design a storage system where our course materials including lecture
notes, projects, forum... can be accessed friendly, anytime, anywhere, that
means it can be accessed on-line, off-line, under failure, convinient, low
cost, and ... Would it be stateful or stateless? File-based or database
based? Naming? Security? Synchronization? Replica? Consistency? Other
issues? List 3 more important issues, reasons, and solutions such that
performance is the most important concern. [25%]
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