作者angled (sleep_deprivated)
标题[试题] 100下 柏逸嘉 小说选读期末考
时间Wed Jun 20 11:11:35 2012
课程名称︰ Fiction II
课程性质︰ 必修
课程教师︰ 柏逸嘉
开课学院: 文学院
开课系所︰ 外文系
考试日期(年月日︰ 2012/6/19
考试时限(分钟): 2hrs
是否需发放奖励金: yes
试题 :
“The act of writing the world, of taking the measure of its dwelling, is
magically caught in Morrison’s description of her house of fiction – art as
“the fully realized presence of a haunting” of history. Read as an image
that describes the relation of art to social reality, my translation of
Morrison’s phrase becomes a statement on the political responsibility of the
critic. For the critic must attempt to fully realize, and take responsibility
for, the unspoken, unrepresented pasts that haunt the historical present.”
Please write a cogent essay addressing what you consider to be the
significance of Homi Bhabha's ideas. In other words, what is the author asking
us to think about? Please provide specific examples or counter-examples to
illustrate your ideas. 10%
1. Please choose one of the texts you have studied in the second half
of this course.
Write a cogent essay outlining how Homi Bhabha's ideas help you or do not
help you to understand the text or texts that you have chosen. 10%
2. What further questions or problems do you have about any of the texts we
have studied or discussed in class? What else would you like to study in
the future concerning this topic? Feel free to answer any or all of the
above questions depending on your interests. 5%
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※ 编辑: angled 来自: (06/20 11:20)