NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰文学作品读法(下) 课程性质︰大一必修(学号末两码除以三,此为余二班) 课程教师︰朱伟诚 开课学院:文学院 开课系所︰外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2012.06.18 考试时限(分钟):9:10-11:40(後来延到12:10) 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 1. Explain the following terms and summarize the evolution of theater (mainly the stage) in Western history by using some of them (if applicable): (10%) (a) proscenium stage (b) amphitheater (c) thrust stage (d) classical unities (unities of time, space, and action) 2. Summarize the plot of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll House, analyze its characterization, and discuss the signifacance of its ending (as well as whether the ending is justified or not). (20%) 3. Describe in detail the set of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, and then briefly explain the meaning or signifacance of the following two passages ( one from the beginning and the other from the end of the play): (10%) (a) "The entire setting is wholly or, in some places, partially transparent. The roof-line of the house is one-dimensional; under and over it we see the apartment building." (b) "The apartment houses are fading out, and the entire house and surroundings become covered with leaves." 4. Define realistic theater and discuss A Doll House and Death of a salesman in terms of their realism (i.e. how much they fit the definition, and if not, where they deviate from it). (10%) 5. Summarize the plot of Death of a Salesman by focusing on the "present" time first and then add in the others (while the former has to follow the order of its appearance in the play, the latter does not have to - just indicate the situations propting to it). (10%) 6. Analyze the main characters in Death of a Salesman and then link their characterization to what the play aims at in its criticism. (10%) 7. Describe the set of Tom Stoppard's play The Real Inspector Hound as well as the purpose of its arrangements. (5%) 8. Summarize the plot of The Real Inspector Hound; be sure to include the individual stories of the characters and/or their relationship. (10%) 9. Discuss The Real Inspector Hound as a comedy and a detective story respectively - and if you think the play does not quite fit any of these categories, be sure to point out where and why. (10%) 10. Explain the meaning (including reference) of the following passage said by Moon in The Real Inspector Hound, as well as what strikes you as special about it when it appears in the play: (5%) "Already in the opening stages we note the classic impact of the catalystic figure - the outsider - plunging through to the centre of an ordered world and setting up the disruptions - the shock waves - which unless I am much mistaken, will strip these comfortable people - these crustaceans in the rock pool society - strip them of their shells and leave them exposed as the trembling raw meat, which, at heart, is all of us. But there is more to than that - " (只撷取至此处) 11. Summarize the two plays in this year's DFLL Drama Contest and comment on their performance. (10%) 补充1: 本学期的期末考可以选择以戏剧比赛方式代替(占总成绩24%),不过老师有先声 明:如果没办法立刻看到表现的,就很难依据比赛来给分;因此若你是要做道具.当灯 控,要在平时常常交作业给老师.当然你呈现完戏剧比赛後,也可以考期末考,老师会 根据你在戏剧比赛里的付出程度加分(这是个难得的体验,老师也很鼓励大家参加) 补充2: 这一年的紮实文读也在期末考画下句点,想不到老师会去开101-2的欧史XD~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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