作者enoeht20181 (徐三羊)
标题[试题] 100-2 陈南光 货币银行学 期中考
时间Fri Apr 27 21:50:35 2012
试题 :
(1) (16 points) Explain how each of the followings raises or lowers the Basel
bank capital adequacy ratio (CAR) by affecting either the numerator (capital)
or the denominator (risk-adjusted assets) of the ratio.
(a) The bank issues more long-term subordinated debts.
(b) The bank issues a letter of credit (L/C) on behalf of its customer (an
(c) The bank sells some mortgage loans and purchase U.S. Treasury bonds.
(d) Instead of distributing profits to shareholders, the bank uses the
profits to raise loan loss reserves.
(2) (14 points) Answer the following questions according to the handout
"Banking Consolidation"(2004).
(a) What is the main difference between the wave of mergers beginning in the
early 1990s and before?
(b) Five two examples of potential problems that might arise owing to
megabank mergers and briefly explain.
(3) (14 points) What were the impacts of branching restriction in Mcfadden Act
1927 on
(a) the structure of banking industry in U.S.
(b) the likelihood and severity of financial crises in U.S.
(4) (14 points) Bank Runs and Contagion
(a) Briefly explain the theory of information-based run and its policy
(b) How can a government react ot reduce the likelihood of contagion in the
face of bank runs?
(5) (7 points) Explain briefly the differences between traditional monetary
policies and quantitative easing (QE) (or credit easing (CE)) exercised by the
Federal Reserve, and why QE (or CE) are often misunderstood.
(6) (7 points) How does the safety net and government guarantee increase the
problems of moral hazard and adverse selection?
(7) (7 points) Briefly explain the purpose of the required reserve ratio and
required liquidity ratio (最低流动准备比率), and their differences.
(8) (7 points) Briefly analyze the purpose and effect of "prompt corrective
action" designated in EFICIA (1991) in the U.S.
(9) (7 points) As we have observed in Taiwan and elsewhere (such as S&L
(Saving & Loans) Crisis in 1980s), the financial regulatory authority tended
to handle distressed financial institutions by exercising regulatory
forbearance. Briefly analyze the problem it might cause.
(10) (7 points) Explain why Basel II may lead to the problem of
pro-cyclicality and how doew Basel III deal with the problem.
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