NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰生物化学 课程性质︰化学系五选三必修 课程教师︰陈平 开课学院:理学院 开课系所︰化学系 考试日期(年月日)︰2012/04/11 考试时限(分钟):50mins 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) Name(1pt)_____ 学号(1pt)_____ (Total 102pts, maximum 102pts) I.Mutiple Chioce. there is only one correct answer for each question (14*4pts 56pts) 1. Which of the following would retain the base-pairing necessary to form a loop (hairpin loop)? The original sequence is UUGCUCAGUAAGAGCAA. A) UAGCUCAGUAAGAGCUA B) UACCUCAGAGAGCUA C) UUGUUUCAGAGAGCAA D) all of the above E) none of the above 2. For DNA replication by DNA polymerase A) the new DNA chain is assembled on a pre-existing DNA template. B) divalent cations such as Mg2+ is needed. C) a primer with 3'-phosphate is required. D) A and B. E) all of the above. 3. The most abundant type of RNA found in the cell is A) mRNA. B) rRNA. C) tRNA. D) snRNA. E) none of the above. 4.tRNA contains A) a template recognition site. B) an amino acid attachment site. C) apolyA site. D) A and B. E) all of the above. 5. Features of the genetic code include A) a codon is defined by three bases. B) the code overlaps. C) the code is degenerate, D) A and B. E) A and C. 6. In which codon position(s) do most synonyms differ? A) first position B) Second position C) third position D) A and C E) none of the above 7. Ribosomes are made of A) DNA. B) rRNA. C) protein. D) B and C. E) all of the above. 8. The biological role of restriction enzymes is to A) repair DNA. B) cleave foreign DNA. C) induce DNA crossover. D) all of the above. E) none of the above. 9. Which of the fol1ong DNA sequences contains a palindromic site? (Note:Only one strand is shown.) A) CAGTCC B) GCATCC C) CGATTAGC D) GCATATGC E) GAGAGAGA 10. What do Southern, Northern, and Western blots detect, respectively? A) protein, DNA, and RNA B) DNA, protein, and RNA C) RNA, protein, and DNA D) DNA, RNA, and protein E) RNA, DNA, and protein 11. Reagenis required for sequencing DNA by chain termination (dideoxy od) include A) template DNA, dNTPs, primer, dideoxy nucleotide analogs, DNA polymerase, radioactive probe, Mg2+. B) template DNA, dNTPs, primer, dideoxy nucleotide analogs, DNA polymerase, Mg2+. C) temjlate DNA, dNTPs, primer, dideoxy nucleotide analogs, RNA polymerase, Mg. D) all of the above. E) none of the above. 12. In the chemical synthesis of DNA: A) the nucleotide initially attached to the silica gel support will become the 3’end of the finished product. B) the dimethoxytrityl (DMT) group catalyzes formation of the phosphodiester bond. C) deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates are used as precursors. D) all of the above. E) none of the above. 13. Which of the following statements about PCR A) stringency can be controlled by altering annealing temperature B) DNA polymerase is used C) primers need to match perfectly D) A and B E) all of the above 14. Certain restction enzymes produce cohesive (sticky) ends. This means that they: A) cut in regions of high GC content; leaving ends that can form more hydrogen bonds than ends of high AT content. B) make a staggered double-strand cut, leaving ends with a few nucleotides of single- stranded DNA protruding. C) cut both DNA strands at the same base pair. D) stick tightly to the ends of the DNA they have cut. E) none of the above. II Fill the blanks(6*4pts 24pts) 1.The typical start codon is___ 2.Two typical stop codons are___and___ 3.Name the kind of enzyme the exists in retrovituses and is responsible for synthesizing Dna based on viral RNA 4.Based on the autoadiogram of a sequencing gel shown below, what is the sequence of the template DNA?(4pts) A G C T ┌──────┐ │ ● │ │ ● │ │● │ │ ● │ │ ● │ │ ● │ │ ● │ │ │ └──────┘ 5.Name the type of eukaryotic DNA-binding motif III.Definitions. Please define the following terms(4*5pts, 20pts) 1.Introns 2.Exons 3.Splicing 4.PCR(just write the words that the three letters stands foe) ANS: I.ADBDE CDBDD BADB II. 1.AUG 2.UGA UAG UAA 3.Reverse transcriptase 4.CATACGG 5.bZip III. 1.intervening codons 2.expressed codons 3.assemblies of protein and small RNA 4.polymerase chain reaction ※ 编辑: a3225737 来自: (04/18 22:07)
1F:推 firepeter :被抢了= = 04/18 23:23

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