NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰统计物理导论 课程性质︰系必修 课程教师︰陈义裕 开课学院:理学院 开课系所︰物理系 考试日期(年月日)︰April 11, 2012. 考试时限(分钟): 180 mins 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 1. (This is from Carter's textbook.) A container is initially separated by a diathermal wall into two compartments of equal volume. The left com- -parment is filled with 1 kilomole of neon gas at a pressure of 4 atm and the right with argon gas at 1 atm. The gases may be considered ideal. The whole system is initially at temperature T=300K, and is thermally insulated from the outside world. Suppose that the diathermal wall is removed. (a) (4 points) What is the new temperature of the system? The new pressure? (b) (4 points) What is the change in the Gibbs function of the system? (c) (8 points) What is the change in the entropy of the system? 2. (a) (5 points) Please describe in detail the third law of thermodynamics. (b) (5 points) Please argue why the third law of thermodynamics implies that it is impossible to reach absolute zero. (c) (5 points) Please argue why the third law of thermodynamics implies that the specific heat of a material tends to zero as T approaches 0 K. (d) (5 points) Please argue why the third law of thermodynamics implies that the thermal expansivity of a material tends to zero as T approaches 0 K. 3. Suppose the equation of state of a gas satisfies (P+f(v))g(v)=RT, where f(v) and g(v) are some differentiable functions of the molar volume v of the gas. (a) (6 points) Use a suitable Maxwell's relation to find (ðS/ðv)| T (b) (6 points) Find the most general form of the entropy S in terms of v and T. (c) (6 points) Setting T=0, argue that the value of S still depends on v so that the third law of thermodynamics does not hold for this system. (d) (6 points) Does van der Waals gas obey the third law of thermodynamics? Please explain. 4. The coefficient of viscosity η, the thermal conductivity κ, and the diffusion constant D for a gas are defined by shear stress = η(ðu_x/ðz) heat flux = κ(ðT/ðz) particle flux = D (ðρ/ðz), where we have assumed that all macroscopic quantities involved, such as the x-component u_x of the bulk velocity of the gas, the temperature T, and the number density ρ only vary in the direction of z. (a) (15 points) Please use the kinetic theory of gases to argue why, in terms of order of magnitude, _ η ~ mv/σ, (1) _ κ ~ (c_v)*v/σ, (2) _ D ~ v/ρσ. (3) _ In the above , m, σand v denotes the mass, the cross sec- -tion, and the mean speed of a gas particle, respectively, whereas c_v denotes the isochoric specific heat per particle. (b) (5 points) In the expressions above we see that the tranport coefficient all vary with 1/σ, which means that a smaller particle actually has a larger transport property, everything else assumed equal! Please explain in physical terms why this is to be expected. (c) (5 points) A vacuum flask (or commonly called a thermos bottle) can hold hot or cold food in the bottle for an extended period of time. The flask has an inner bottle to fold the food, and it is separated from the outer bottle by a thin space in partial vacuum. The pressure inside this space may be of order 10^(-6) Pa. It is usually said that the flask insulates heat so well because of the presence of this vacuum space. However Eqn. (2) above says that the thermal conductivity actually is independent of the gas density! So why does the flask work so well? 5. This problem concerns the phenomenon of effusion. (a) (5 points) (This problem can take up quite some time! So be careful with your time management.) Let b be a positive contant (=m/2kT) and n≧0. Define ∫v^(n+2) exp(-bv^2)dv g_n=--------------. ∫ v^n exp(-bv^2)dv (v from 0 to infinity) Please show that g_3>g_2. (b) (5 points) (You could still answer this question even if you did not successfully finish part (a).) Use the result of (a) to argue why, in effusion, the particles coming out of the tiny hole of the chamber containing a gas at the temperature T have an average kinetic energy that is greater than that for the particles inside the chamber. (c) (5 points) Please provide a physical explanation of why the effusion can be used to separate isotopes. --

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1F:推 jipq6175 :物理系学会学术部需要你 04/20 00:24

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