NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰森林经营学期中考 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰邱祈荣 开课学院:生农学院 开课系所︰森林环境暨资源学系 考试日期(年月日)︰2012/03/30 考试时限(分钟):180 min 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : (1-10题, 每题7分 共70分) 1.森林区画中常使用事业区、林班、小班级作业级等方式来区划林地,请解释此四个名词 的意义,及关系?另外那些属於林地区划(偏永久性静态区划)、那些属於林木区划(偏森 林动态区划)? 2.地位(site quality)定义为何?一般用来区分地位的因子可分成哪三大项?常用那些测定 项目来评定地位? 3.请说明stocking意义并解释Fully Stocked及 Over Stocked意义,以及要如何应用? 4.为何讨论林地或林木价值时,要区分前价或後价?影响前後价值的大小最重要因子,是什 麽? 5.<Bare land value>What is the value pf bare land, if used with even-aged management to produce a perpetual series of identical timber rotations?You have initial stand establishment cost of $125/acre and a harvest income of $12500/acre in 35 years.Assume a 5% real interest discount rate. 6.<Economic assessment>Suppose that you have 250 acres of cut-over land and you want to evaluate the return from planting timber on the side.Assume that to prepare the site and plant short-leaf pine it will cost $250 an acre. Assume that incidental management cost are $3 per acre per year.Quali Assume that incidental management cost are $3 per acre per year.Quali hunters will pay$5.35 per acre per year for hunting rights for plantation five years old or less. At age 17,a selection thinning can generate$335 per acre.In year 34,clear-cutting the tract can generate $2765/acre.If your discount rate is 4%,then what is the B/C ratio?In addition,if this is the optimalmanagement regimem then what is the soil expectation velue based on this management? 7.<Benefit/Cost ratio for road development>Suppose your company is studying a potential contract with the federal government to construct a 3-mile road prior to harvesting the public timber,If calculating the benefit/cost ratio is your companny's primary tool for evaluating any contract,then what is the ratio if expected present value of timber revenues is $7000000 and the road building costs are $1000000 per mile? What does the ratio tell you? Is the activity feasible? What if the expected yield from the future timber harvest were only $2500000 due to major errors in the precontract inventory? What does your benefit/cost ratio say? How does it compare to the first scenario? 8.<Terminating periodic net revenues>Suppose you need to evaluate the cash flow derived for a terminating periodic net revenue stream that ends in 20 years and a perpetual periodic net revenue stream.If you were evaluating these two net revenue streams on a present value basis, then what would you expect the relative value to be? In other words,would you expect them to ne the same? Why or Why not? Assume periodic net revenue of $500 that occurs every five years and a real risk-free alternative rate of returen is 4.5%. After evaluating the results for the two revenue streame do you get the relationship you expected from answeing the first question? What happens if you add a 3% risk factor to your alternative rate of return? Do you get the same results? What happens to the magnitude of your results? 9.P22~23 问题2.7 10.P62~63 问题4.5 11.名词解释 每题3分 共30分 ˙Non-timber Forest Products ˙Diameter Distribution of Trees ˙Mean Annual Increment ˙Internal Rate of Return ˙Soil Expectation Value ˙Scenic beauty index ˙Habitat suitability index ˙Site Index ˙Objective function ˙Shadow price --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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