NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰国际金融 课程性质︰系定必修 课程教师︰曹添旺 开课学院:社科院 开课系所︰经济系 考试日期(年月日)︰101/4/12 考试时限(分钟):9:10~12:10 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 1.(30%) 试根据下列的交易编制台湾的国际收支平衡表(balance of payments),并 据此计算商品(merchandise: f.o.b)帐余额,货物、劳务及所得(goods,services and income),经常帐余额(current account)与资本帐余额(capital acoount)。 (货币单位$:百万美元) (1) 台湾自美国进口小麦$34,并托美国航运公司运送来台,运费$3,进口商由台湾 银行开具美元支票付款。 (2) 台湾民间慈善团体开具美国银行支票$10援助埃及。 (3) 台湾居民在瑞士观光支出$7。 (4) 台湾出口香蕉$60到日本,运费$5,日本进口商自日本银行开具美元支票付款。 (5) 台湾厂商在澳洲投资$12建厂。 (6) 台湾厂商收到德国分公司的营业利润$9。 (7) 台湾投资者购买加拿大股票$3 2.(20%) 有经济学者观察了落後国家的贬值经验後发现:贬值可能改善以外币表示的 贸易收支;却恶化了以国币表示的贸易收支。请说明发生这种现象的可能理由。 3.(20%) 如果进出口品的供给弹性不是无限大,则习见贬值可以改善贸易收支的 Marshall-Lerner condition(简称M-L条件),就变成 Bickerdicke-Robinson-Metzler condition(简称B-R-M条件): εM εX ( 1 + σM + σX ) - σM σX ( 1 -εM - εX) ———————————————————————————— > 0 (σM + εM ) (σX + εX ) 式中εX和εM分别代表出口品和进口品的需求弹性,而σX和σM则分别代表出口品和 进口品的供给弹性。 (i) 比较M-L条件和B-R-M条件何者较宽松?为什麽? (ii) 利用上列的B-R-M条件,讨论小国家贬值对其贸易收支的影响。 4.(30%) This question concerns the Keynesian model. (a) Recall that the definition of equilibrium is that output supplied is equal to the output demand: Y = A + TB where Y = Output A = Aggregate Demand, and TB = Trade Balance Assume that Agrregate Damand is given by _ A = A + cYd, _ _ TB = X - M -mYd and disposable income is given by __ Yd = Y - TP __ where TP = tax payments, here assumed exogenous Solve for equilibrium output. __ (b) What is the tax multiplier ΔY/ΔTP ? In this Keynesian model, how does the effect of a tax cut compare to the effect of an increase in government spending? Why? (c) In the mid-1990s, the U.S. government advised Japan to cut taxes, to revive the economic growth. The Japanese government rejected the advice, arguing that the multiplier effect would be very small. What do you think were the grounds for its arguement? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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