作者nihility7893 (千本樱)
标题[试题] 100上 江简富 电磁学二 第二次小考
时间Sun Jan 15 21:34:32 2012
考试时限(分钟):2:20 ~ 3:20
试题 :
2011 Fall Electromagnetics II - Quiz II
Each problem is 50 points, and the final score will count on the highest
2 scores from 4.
Problem 1
For a transmission line of characteristic impedance 50 Ω , terminated by a
load impedance (50 + j50)Ω , find the following quantities by using the Smith
chart : (a) reflection coefficient at the load ; (b)SWR on the line;
(c)the distance of the first voltage minimum of the standing-wave pattern
from the load;(d)the line impedance at d=0.15λ;and (f)the location nearest to
the load at which the real part of line admittance is euqal to the line
characteristic admittance.
Problem 2
A transmission line od charateristic impedance 50Ω is terminated by a certain
load impedance. It is found that SNR on the line is equal to 4.0 and that
first voltage minimum of the standing-wave pattern is located to be a at 0.2λ
from the load.Using the Smith chart , determine the location nearest to the
load and the length of a short-circuited stun of characteristic impedance
50Ω connected in parallel with the line required to achieve a match between
the line and the load.
Problem 3
The input impedance of a lossy line of length 50m is measured at a frequency
of 200 MHz for two cases : with the output short-circuited,it is (10 + j49)Ω,
and with the output open-circuited,it is (10-j49)Ω.Find :
(a) the characteristic impedance of the line ,
(b) the attenuation constant of the line ; and
(c) the phase velocity in the line,
assumeing its approximate value to be 1.75 X 10^8 m/s.
Problem 3
For the lossy transmission line system shown in Fig.1 , fine (a) the
time-average power flow at the input end of the line ;
(b) the time-average power delivered load; and
(c)the time-average power dissipated in the line
┌─││ ││─┐
│ ╰╯────────╰╯ │
─ ── ─ ── ─
Z_g=(30-j40)│ │ Z_0=50Ω │ │ Z_R =(30+j40)Ω
Ω ── α=0.002NΡ/λ ──
─ │ │
V_g=100V ○ │
│ ╭╮────────╭╮ │
└─││ ││─┘
d=1 ← d=0
Fig. 1
1F:推 effect511 :是江简富? 01/15 21:49
2F:→ nihility7893:打错~ sorry 01/16 08:39
※ 编辑: nihility7893 来自: (01/16 08:40)
3F:→ gm800313 :这不是江简富班的小考吧 01/16 16:51
4F:→ nihility7893:我再问一下我同学~ 01/16 18:56
5F:推 ym920823 :的确不是 01/24 00:11