作者nihility7893 (千本樱)
标题[试题] 100上 颜嗣钧 计算理论 期中考
时间Sun Jan 15 13:00:49 2012
考试时限(分钟):9:10 ~ 12:00
试题 :
Theory of Comutation
Midterm Exam, Nov. 14,2011
(21 pts) Are the following statements true of false.Justify by a proof or a
suitable counterexample.
If L_1 is finite and L_1 ∪ L_2 is regular then L_2 is regular.
If L_1 is regular (and infinite) and L_1 . L_2 is regular then L_2 is regular.
If L^* is regular,so is L.
Consider a language L and a homomorphism h. If h(L) is regular ,then L is
always regualr.
Let L_1 ⊆L_2 (over alphabet Σ) both be regular languages. If L_2 can be
accepted by a DFA with n states ,then L_1 can always be accepted by some DFA
with no more than n states.
(R∪S)^* =R^* ∪ S^* ,where R and S are two languages.
(R∩S)T=RT∩ST, where R,S and T are languages.
(4 pts) Give a regular expression for the language containing all strings
of 0's and 1's such that every pair of adjacent 0's appears before any pair of
adjacent 1's.
(Fpr example,01001011011 is in the language,while 011001011 is not.)
─ ─
(10 pts) A shuffle of two strings x,y∈Σ^* denoted by x||y is the set of
strings that can be obtained by interleaving the strings x and y in any manner.
For example ab||cd ={abcd,acbd,acdb,cabd,cadb,cdab}.
(The strings need not be of the same length.) For two sets of strings A,B ,
the shuffle is defined as A||B=∪_x∈A ,y∈B x||y.
Prove that if both A and B are regular,then A||B is also regular.
(10 pts) Define L_1 # L_2 ={x#y | x∈L_1 ,y∈L_2 , |x|=|y|},where # is a new
symbol. Is the following statement true or false ? Justify your answer.
─If L_1 and L_2 are regular ,then L_1 # L_2 is also regular.
(10 pts) Use the pumping lemma to show that L={0^n l^m|n,m≧1 and m leaves
a remainder of 3 when divided by n} is not regular.(For example,0^4 1^7,
0^5 1^13 are in L.)
(Hint: Let p be the pumping constant.Take ω=0^p+4 1^p+7.)
(10 pts) Given a language L⊆Σ^* and two strings x,y∈Σ^* , x≡_L y iff
∀z∈Σ^* , xz∈L ⇔ yz∈L.Give the ≡_L equivalence classes of the language
L=a^*ba^*. Also draw a minimum DFA accepting L.
(10 pts) Let L be a language. Show that if every subset of L is regular,
then L must be finite (i.e.,containing a finite number of strings).
(Hint:Prove it by contradiction. Note that for every ω'∈ L such that
|ω'| > 2|ω|).(|ω| denotes the length of ω.)
Use the pumping lemme if needed.)
(10 pts) Consider the ε-NFA defined in Figure 1 (where → and * mark the
initial and final states,respectively):
│ │ ε │ a │ b │ c │
│→p │ Φ │{p} │{q} │{r} │
│q │{p} │{q} │{r} │Φ │
│*r │{q} │{r} │Φ │{p} │
Figure 1 : Anε-NFA
(4 pts) Compute the ε-closure of each state.
(6 pts) Convert the automaton to a DFA,
(15 pts) Consider the DFA given in Fingure 2.Suppose we want to find an
equivalent minimum DFA.
(10 pts) Use the table filling method discussed in class to find all
distinguishable pairs of states. Shoe T[i,j] for 1<= i < j <= 4.
Mark T[i,j] with an ”X“ if there exists a string ω that can tell i and j
apart as far as reaching a final state is concerned.
Show your work in sufficient detail.
(5 pts) Draw the minimum DFA.
╭ ╮ b ╭╭ ╮╮
→ 1 ←──────────── 2
╰ ╯ ╰╰ ╯╯
│ │ ↑ ↑│
│ │b │ ││
│ │ a │ ││
│ │ ╭ ╮──── ││
│ ──────→ 3 ││
│ ╰ ╯ ││
│ │ ││
│ │ ││
│ │b a││a
│ │ ││
│a │ ││
│ ↓ ││
────────→ ╭ ╮────── │
4 ←──────
╰ ╯
Figure 2 : A DFA.
※ 编辑: nihility7893 来自: (01/15 14:44)