作者queen166510 (LuckyCA)
标题[试题] 100上 邱锦荣 莎剧选读 期末考
时间Fri Jan 13 21:22:44 2012
试题 :
I. Identify the speaker. 30%
Hamlet Gertrude Claudius Laertes Horatio Ophelia
King Lear:
Lear Kent Albany Cornwall Edgar Edmund Goneril
Regan Cordelia Gloucester France Burgandy
1. God hath given you one face and you make yourself another.
2. Sir, by your patience,/ I hold you but a subject of this war,/ Not as a
3. Could beauty, my lord, have better commerce than with honesty?
4. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,/ And thus the native hue of
resolution/ Is sicklied o'er with pale cast of thought.
5. O, our lives' sweetness,/ That we the pain of death would hourly die/
Rather than die at once!
6. If it assume my noble father's person,/ I'll speak to it though hell itself
should gape/ And bid me hold my peace.
7. What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heavn?
8. We that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long.
9. Thou know'st 'tis common:all that lives must die,/ Passing through nature
to eternity.
10. Frailty, thy name is woman!
11. ...cast thy nighted colour off,/ And let thine eye look like a friend on
12. We two alone will sing like birds i' the cage./ When thou dost ask me
blessing, I will kneel down,/ And ask of thee forgiveness.
13. I have a journal, sir, shortly to go./My master calls me; I must not
say no.
14. Bid them farewell, Cordelia, though unkind./ Thou losest here, a father
where to find.
15. Vex not his ghost; O!let him pass; he hates him/ That would upon the rack
of this tough world/ Stretch him out longer.
16. ...since I am sure my love's/ More ponderous than my tongue.
17. But you must know your father lost a father,/ That father lost, lost his.
18. Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.
19. In my true heart I find she names my very deed of love...
20. There's something in his soul/ O'er which his melancholy sits on brood,/
And I do doubt the hatch and the disclose/ Will be some danger....
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Only one word for each blank.
1. Why wouldst thou be a b____er of sinner?
2. Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother's death/ The memory be g____n...
3.(Kent.)The wonder is that he hath endur'd so long/ He but u____d his life.
4. Therefore our s____e sister, now our queen, have we...taken to wife.
5. Kent: I cannot c____e you.
Gloucester: Sir, this young fellow's mother could; whereupon she grew
round-womb'd, and had, indeed, sir, a son for her cradle ere she has a
husband for her bed.
6. Nothing will come of n____. Speak again.
7. Peace, Kent!/ Come not between the Dragon and his w____
8. Let p____e, which she calls plainness, marry her.
9. We are not the first/ Who, with best meaning, have in___'d the worst.
10. Upon such sacrifices, my Cordelia,/ The Gods themselves throw in____e
III. Choose only One from the following. 20%
1. Why does Hamlet ask Ophelia to go to a nunnery in 3.1? Note that he uses
the phrase "get thee to a nunnery" and it variations five times, hence this
scene is known as the "Nunnery scene."
2. Analyze the themes(such as love, hate, jealousy, ambition, friendship,
parent-child relationship, etc.)of King Lear.
IV. Take-home essays 30%
1. An essay on a topic of your choice.
2. A soliloquy written for a character of your choice.
Bonus question: Extra credits 5%
What is the role you took in group performance? Share your reflections.
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