作者peter506g (一氧化二氢)
标题[试题] 100上 蔡尔成 普通物理学甲上 期末考
时间Fri Jan 13 12:38:53 2012
试题 :
1.[10%]In the following figure, what magnitude of (constant)force F applied
horizonally at the axle of the wheel is necessary to raise the wheel over
the obstacle oh height h? tThe wheel's radius is r, and its mass is m.
/ \
/ \
│——r — │→F
│ │──────────
\ / │ ︱
\ / │ h
──────────── ︱
2.[10%]what is the acceleration of a rising hot-air balloon if the ratio of
the density outside the balloon to that inside is 1.39? Neglect the mass of
the balloon fabric and the basket.
3.[10%]A uniform rope of mass m and length L hangs from a ceiling. (a)[5%]
Show that the speed of a tranverse wave on the rope is a function of y,
the distance from the lower end, and is given by v = (gy)^(1/2). (b)[5%]
Show that the time a tranverse wave takes to travel the length if the rope
is given by t = 2 (L/g)^(1/2)
4.[10%]A tuning fork of unknown frequency makes 3.00 beats per secind with
a standard fork of frequency 384 Hz. The beat frequency decreases when a
small piece of wax is out on a prong of the first fork. What is the
frequency of this fork?
5.[10%]In the temperature range T1 to T2, the pressure p of a certain non
ideal gas is related to volume V and temperature T by
p = α--- - β--- .
How much work is done by the gas if its temperature is raised from T1 to T2
while the pressure p is held constant?
6.[10%]Air flows over the top of an airplane wing of area A with speed vt and
past the underside of the wing (also of area A) with speed vu. Show that in
this simplified situation Bernoulli's eqution predicts that the magnitude L
of the upward lift force on the wing will be L = (1/2)ρA(vt^2-vu^2)
7.[10%]The orbit for a planet moving around the Sun is an ellipse whose semi-
major axis (one half the major axis) and semi-minor axis (one half the minor
axis) are a and b. If the speed of the planet is Vo at the perihelion (the
point that is nearest to the Sun), what is the period of the orbiting planet?
8.[10%]The equation of motion for a damped oscillator under an external driven
force is
mx'' + bx' + kx = Fo cos(ωt + θ)
and the steady state solution is
x(t) = Xm cos(ωt + ψ)
Prove that
Xm = ------------------------------
((mω^2 - k)^2 + b^2ω^2)
9.[10%]An inventor have constructed a heat engine that has an efficiency of 75%
when operated between the boiling and freezing points of water. Is it
10.[10%]The two isotherms of the Stirling engine cycle are connected, not by
adiabatic processes as for the Carnot engine but by constant-volume
processes. Prove that ∫--- = 0 for an ideal Stirling engine cycke with the
working subtance assumed to be an ideal gas.
P.S. 第八题中的ω於题目中有下标d,因排版因素故省略
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