NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰领导学导论 课程性质︰领导学程必修、共同选修 课程教师︰柯承恩、郭耿聪 开课学院:领导学程 开课系所︰ 考试日期(年月日)︰100/01/12 考试时限(分钟):09:30 - 11:20 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 一、是非题(每题2分,共20分) 1. Leaders have many mental models that tend to govern how they interpret experiences and how they act in response to people and situations. 2. Leaders cannot change their assumptions. 3. Being emotionally intelligent means being able to effectively manage ourselves and our relationships. 4. The nature of leader-follower relationships involves reciprocity, the mutual exchange of influence. 5. Only top managers have personal and position sources of power to generate influence. 6. Motivation refers to the forces that arouse rnthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action. 7. Critics of << carrot-and-stick >> method argue that intrinsic rewards diminish extrinsic rewards. 8. Enpowerment is power sharing, the delegation of power or authority to subordinates in the organization. 9. Interdependence is the extent to which team members depend on each other for imformation, resources, or ideas to accomplish their tasks. 10. Diversity within a team can contribute to a healthy level of conflict that leads to better decision-making. 二、选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1. Independent thinking means: a. seeing patterns in the organizational whole instead of just the parts. b. having deep-seated assumptionsm, beliefs, blind spots, biases, and prejudices. c. having a personal vision. d. questioning assumptions and interpreting data according to one's own beliefs. 2. Self-awareness refers to: a. the ablity to connect to others. b. the ablity to put oneself in some else's shoes. c. being conscious of your own emotions. d.the ablity to be helpful and optimistic. 3. Studying followership, is important for all reasons EXCEPT: a. Followers do not become leaders. b. Followers have an influence on the leader. c. Desirable qualities in a leader are also desirable in a follower. d. Leaders and followers are roles that individuals shift in and out of in various conditions. 4. If a leader's actions and decisions contradict the best interests of the organization, effective followers a. take a stand b. follow the leader c. sacrifice their personal integrity d. follow passively 5. Followers can influence their leaders by: a. being a resource for the leader. b. building a relationship c. helping the leader be a good leader. d. all of the above 6. The importance of motivation is: a. it can lead to high performance within organizations. b. it help satisfy followers' needs. c. high employee motivation can lead to company profits d. all of the above 7. Intrinsic rewards: a. are the internal satisfaction a person receives by performing a particular action. b. are given by another person, typically a supervisor. c. include pay raises and promotions. d. are given to all people within an organization or a specific department 8. The role associated with facilitating others' participation, smoothing conflicts, showing concern for team members' needs, and reminding others of standards is the: a. managerial role. b. authoritarian leadership role c. task-specialist role d. socio-emotional role 9. Large groups are less effective because: a. there are more disagreements, subgroups form, and conflicts arise. b. memebers feel like a part of the group. c. there is more agreement. d. more questions are asked. 10. Virtual team leaders should master all the following skills EXCEPT: a. select the right team members. b. agree on ground rules c. build trust by building connections d. use email for conflict resolution 三、问答题(共50分) 1. 本课程期末活动之心得分享(个人参与和小组分工情形,以及是否有如预期进行,活 动过程简述、从中所习得之经验或感触、对个人之成长等) (25分,300-400字之间) 2. 本课程所讨论之各影片,请问哪一部影片对你启发最多,在影片中的哪一部分? 为什麽? (15分,200-300字之间) 3. 这门课带给你最大帮助或收获为何?你觉得在大学里培养学生的领导能力,还可以 有什麽作法? (字数不限) (10分) --

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