作者cxzdsa (cxzdsa)
标题[试题] 100上 朱锦洲 材料力学 期末考
时间Tue Jan 10 17:03:43 2012
试题 :
1. (25 points)
(a) What have you learned in this semester on "Mechanics of Materials"?(10)
(b) A piece of chalk is subjected to a pure torque. Its failure is as shown
in Fig. 1. Please atate the reason of the failure.(8)
(c)Saint-Venant's principle.(7)
3.(30 points)
Two stainless steel (G=86GPa) shaft 2.5m long extends through and is
attatched to a hollow brass (G=39GPa) shaft 1.5m long, as shown in Fig.3.
Both shafts are fixed at the wall. When the two torques shown are applied to
The shaft, determine
(a) The maximum shearing stress in the steel.
(b) The maximum shearing stress in the brass.
(c) The maximum compressive and tensile stresses in the brass.
2.(20 points)
Two circular shafts (made by the same material with allowable shear stress
the same) are used to transmit a torque as shown in Fig 2. If these two
shafts have the same cross-section area, determine
(a)Which one can transmit more torque?
(b)T1/T2 (the ratio of T1 and T2)
4.(20 points)
Draw complete shear and bending moment diagrams for the beam ABCD shown in
Fig 4.
5.(8, 10, 10, 12 points)
A simple beam shown in Fig 5a has the cross section shown in Fig 5b.
(a) Find the reactions at the two support B,C.
(b) Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the beam.
(c) Find the maximum tensile and compressive flexural stresses in the beam.
(d) Find the horizontal shearing stress distribution along the y-axis at
location of x=5 ft (5 ft right of point B).
6.(18,7 points)
For the bean loaded and supported in Fig 6, determine
(a) The equation of the elastic curves for the intervals AB and BC.
(b) The point of maximum deflection between the supports.
(c) Draw the elastic deflection curve for AC.
total: 150 points
十年生死两茫茫 不思量 自难忘 千里孤坟 无处话凄凉
纵使相逢应不识 尘满面 鬓如霜
夜来幽梦忽还乡 小轩窗 正梳妆 相顾无言 唯有泪千行
料得年年肠断处 明月夜 短松冈
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2F:→ encorev37383:图翻一下吧 也太没诚意 01/11 02:18