NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通生物学乙上 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰施秀惠(与朱家莹合开) 开课学院:医学院 开课系所︰药学系 考试日期(年月日)︰100/11/21 考试时限(分钟):110 min 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 期中考范围为施秀惠老师授课部分 (分为A、B两卷,题目皆相同,仅题目顺序不同;此为A卷。) 一、是非题 (每题2分,共40分;对於以下各叙述,正确地请打O,错误的请打X) 1. Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life. 2. Feedback is a regulatory motif common to life at all levels, from the molecular level to ecosystems, and the biosphere. 3. Precapillary sphincters regulate the passage of blood into capillary beds. 4. A conformer is an animal for which an internal condition changes in accor- dance with changes in an environmental variable. 5. Water is a universal solvent, a quality we can trace to the polarity of the water molecule. 6. Transport epithelia that function in maintaining water balance also often function in disposal of metabolic wastes. 7. Acid precipitation refers to rain, snow, or fog with a pH lower than 4.2. 8. In innate immunity, recognition and response rely on traits specific to particulat pathogens. 9. Antibodies could either kill or bind to pathogens for neutralization or opsonization. 10. Dietary minerals are organic nutrients that are usually required in small amounts. 11. The blood O2 level usually has major effect than the CO2 level in regula- ting human breathing. 12. Four types of phagocytic cells in mammalian body are nertrophils, macro- phages, dendritic cells, and mast cells. 13. All of 20 amino acids are essential nutrients to animals because animals require these to make thousands of important molecular tools, the proteins. 14. The diet from which a ruminant actually absorbs its nutrients is much ri- cher than the grass the animal originally eats, because of the microbial action in its stomach. 15. Physical separation is the main function of epithelial tissues, while con- nective tissues function mainly to bind and support other tissues in ani- mals. 16. Ectotherms can use metabolic heat to regulate their body temperature, in contrast, endotherms gain most of their heat from the environment. 17. An encounter with an antigen selects which lymphocyte will divide to pro- duce a clonal population of thousands of cells specific for a particular epitope. 18. The secondary immune response relies on the reservoir of T and B memory cells generated following initial exposure to an antigen. 19. Ammonia is produced when proteins and fats are broken apart for energy or biosynthesis. 20. In starch, all the glucose monomers are in the β configuration. 二、填充题(40分):以正确英文术语作答者,每格2分;以正确中文术语作答者,每格1分 1. (1) is reasoning from a set of specific observations to reach a general conclusion. In contrast to (1), (2) involves logic from the general to the specific. 2. Evolutionary adaptations of vertebrate digestive systems often correlate with (3). 3. The (4) of an animal is the result of a pattern of development programmed by the genome. 4. (5) immune response defends against intracellular pathogens and cancer, while (6) immune response defends against extracellular pathogens in blood and lymph. 5. Carbohydrates serve as (7) and (8). 6. The spaces between cells are filled with fluid, in many animals called (9). In animals with open circulatory systems, the circulatory fluid called (10) is also the (9). 7. Bilayer structure of biological membranes forms by self-assemble of (11) in an (12) environment. 8. An animal's food must supply (13), (14), and essential nutrients. 9. The use of computational tools to store, organize, and analyze the huge vo- lume of data that result from high-throughout methods called (15) 10. The overall flow and transformation of energy in an animal is its (16) 11. The (17) is the part of an animal's body where gas exchange occurs. The movement of O2 and CO2 across moist (17) takes place entirely by (18). 12. An animal's nitrogenous wastes reflects its (19) and (20). 三、问答题(20分) 以溶氧量和扩散速率而言,水是比空气差的呼吸介质。请问鱼类如何改善克服此问题? --

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