作者yp7464 (YP)
标题[试题] 100上 林万寅 普通化学甲上 期中考
时间Thu Nov 17 22:10:04 2011
考试时限(分钟):110 min
试题 :
NOTE:procedures for all calculations must be given;physical contants:
h=6.625*10^-34 Js
c=3.00*10^8 m*s^-1
1 eV =1.60*10^-19 J
1.Answer the following questions for ICl3
(A)Give its systematic name. 2%
(B)Draw its Lewis structure. 4%
(C)Give the formal charges of each atom. 4%
(D)Draw its molecular shape. 3%
(E)Give the oxidation numbers of each atom. 2%
2.For the ground state Cu(I),answer the following questions.(Z=29 for Cu)
(A)Write the electron configuration for Cu(I). 3%
(B)Give the total number of electrons in Cu(I) that have n=3 3%
(C)Give the total number of electrons in Cu(I) that have l=1 3%
(D)Give the total number of electrons in Cu(I) that have ml=0 3%
(E)Give the total number of electrons in Cu(I) that have ms=-1/2 3%
3.The photoelectron spectrum of Ne shows three peaks at kinetic energies
of 360.0,1181.8,and 1208.6 eV,respectively.The photon energy used in this
experiment is 1230.2 eV.Answer the following questions.
(A)Describe the principle of photoelectron spectroscopy(PS). 4%
(B)What are the two types of electronmagnetic radiation commonly used in
PS? 4%
(C)Calculate the ionization energy corresponding to each of the three
peaks. 6%
(D)What is the Koopmans's approximation? 3%
(E)Estimate the effective nuclear charge (Zeff) for 2p electrons in Ne using
εn= -(Zeff/n)^2 *Ry ,Ry=13.6 eV 4%
(F)Use Slater's rule to estimate Zeff for 2p electrons in Ne. 4%
4.Write the chemical formula for the following compounds. 8%
(B)calcium phosphate
(C)tetraphosphorus decaoxide
5.The spectral series (n2 -> n1 ; n2-n1=1,2,3... ) for the emission of a
certain single-electron ion (M^(Z-1)) is given below.The wavenumbers of
the first (A) and the highest-energy (X) lines are also given.Knowing
that the energy of M^(Z-1) is given by:En=-(Z/n)^2*2.18*10^-18 J.Answer
the following questions.
A X Line Wavenumber/cm^-1
| | | | || …… | (谱线图) -------------------------
--------------------------------- A 47950
cm^-1 X 109600
50000 → 100000
(A)Give an expression for the energy of line A in terms of Z and n1. 3%
(B)Find the value of n1. 3%
(C)What is the atomic number Z of the ion? 3%
(D)Calculate the ionization energy for the ground-state M^(Z-1). 3%
6.Answer the following questions.
(A)For a cubic particle-in-a-box with edge length L,give the possible
states,denoted as (nx,ny,nz),with the energy 6h^2/(8m(L^2)).Also give
the degeneracy and positions of nodes. 8%
(B)Dalton's atomic theory contained five postulates.According to modern
chemistry, four of those postulates require amendment or extension.
List the modifications for the four postulates. 8%
(C)Describe the meaning of the following: 6%
(i)blackbody radiation
(ii)photoelectric effect
(D)Give the names of three laws contained in the law of chemical
combination. 3%
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