NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰生理心理学 课程性质︰必修 课程教师︰赖文崧 开课学院:理 开课系所︰心理系 考试日期(年月日)︰20111114 考试时限(分钟):3小时 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 第一大题:配合题(每题1分共38分) (1) CT (2) PET (3) fMRI (4) MEG (5) TMS (6) Optical imaging (7) Radiocarbon dating (A) identification of brain regions that are particularly active during a given task through detecting changes in blood flow (B) stimulation/interference of cortical neurons through the application of strong magnetic fields (C) A techniques that can be used to estimate the age of fossils (D) examination of brain activities by injecting radioactive substance as a tracer (E) visualization of brain activity by near-infrared light (F) examination of brain structure by X-Rays (G) A technique that can be used to measure the tiny magnetic fields produced by active neurons (8) HRP (9) Immunocytochemistry (10)Nissl stain (11)in situ hybridization (12)autoradiography (13)c-Fos immunostaining (14)Golgi stain (A) detection of particular RNA transcript in tissue or brain slices (B) fills a small proportion of neurons with a dark, silver-based precipitate (C) using specific enzyme(S) to trace neural pathways in the brain (D) using specific antibody-antigen binding to detect particular proteins in cells or neurons (E) stains outlines all cell bodies because dyes are attracted to RNA (F) shows the distribution of radioactive chemicals in tissues or brain slices (G) detects an immediate early gene expression in cells [一张大脑sagittal剖面图,白色箭头指皮层区] 1. The region indicated by the white arrow in the Figure 1 is called (15), which has (16) layers in humans 2. In order to get the brain section like Figure 1, we could section the brain in the (17) plane (A) Cerebellum (B) Medulla (C) Cortex (D) Forebrain (E) Midbrain (F) Hindbrain (G) 3 (H) 6 (I) 7 (J) Sagittal (K) Horizontal(L) Coronal (18) Goiter (19) Diabetes (20) Dark-light cycle (21) Pair-bonding in male prairie voles (22) Milk letdown reflex (23) reduce inflammation (24) Aggression (25) Psychosocial dwarfism (A) Thyroid hormone (B) Growth hormone (C) Vasopressin (D) Testosterone (E) Melatonin (F) Glucocorticoids (G) Oxytocin (H) Insulin (I) Estrogen (J) ACTH (26) Tetrodotoxin (TTX) (27) alpha-bungarotoxin (28) Amphetamine (29) G protein (30) Anxiolytics (31) LSD (32) Marijuana (33) Phencyclidine (PCP) (34) Pittsburgh Blue (PiB) (35) Typical neuroleptic (A) GABA receptors (B) Sodium channels (C) Acetylcholine receptors (D) Dopaminergic receptors (E) Metabotropic receptors (F) Serotonin receptors (G) Opioid receptors (H) Cannabinoid receptors (I) NMDA receptors (J) Adenosine receptors (K) Dopamine D2 receptors (L) Beta-amyloid (36): "A mechanism for specific selection for general learning ability. Selected offspring would tend to have an increased capacity for learning new skills rather than being confined to genetically coded, relatively fixed abilities...the sustained behavior of a species or group can shape the evolution of the species." This sentence is describing? (37): The tail of the male peacock (of the peafowl species) is energy demanging ; therefore, it must confer some food gathering advantage. (38): is intended to explain two different phenomena: the advantage of sexual reproduction at the level of individuals, and the constant evolutionary arms race between competing species. (A) Baldwin effect (B) Handicap principle (C) Bottleneck effect (D) Social brain hypothesis (E) Red queen hypothesis 第二大题 名词解释(每题2分,共32分) 1.Neuromuscular junction 2.Axon hillock 3.Dose-response curse (DRC) 4.Negative feedback 5.Knockout organism 6.HPA axis 7.Epigenetic effects 8.Self-administration (of a drug) 9.Oligodendrocyte 10.Blood-brain carrier 11.Evolutionary psychology 12.Neural tube 13.Homeostasis 14.Apoptosis 15.Fragile X syndrome 16.Fetal alcohol syndrom (FAS) 第三大题 简答申论(每题8分,共40分) 1.请根据课本,举出一种你感兴趣的的胺类神经传导物质(amines)为例,介绍其(a)基本 功能、(b)合成与分解过程以及(c)在脑中大致的分布与投射路径。 2.请论述神经传导物质与激素的作用机制,并比较两者间的异同处。 3.药物或物质要进入的人体引发效果有很多种方式。请根据你的教科书,描述或说明四种 药物或物质进入的人体主要途径(请各举一个或一种药物当做例子),也请说明这四种 途径其作用方式或机制,并请比较这四种途径引发药效的相对速度。 4.下图为一个动作电位的图形,请以离子进出来分别说明动作电位(action potential) 的几个阶段如何产生。 5.请根据课本说明神经系统发展过程中的六个阶段,并分别描述及说明每个步骤/阶段的 细节与目的。 满分共110分 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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