作者ting301 ( )
标题[试题] 100上 陈光祯 行动通讯
时间Sat Nov 12 22:08:42 2011
试题 :
Problem 1 [Digital Modulation, Diversity, Coding]
Consider the following digital communication: When "1" is transitted,
Acos(2πfct) is received. When "0" is transitted, -Acos(2πfct) is received.
Under AWGN with zero mean and two-side power spetral density No/2 observed
at the receiver input, please find the BER(or error probability) in terms of
(Eb/No) with perfection synchronization of timing and phase.
Suppose such a signaling suffers from Rayleigh fadding and AWGN, which means
the square envelope A has the pdf as
f (A) = ---exp(-A/a), a>0
Rayleigh a
Please find the average BER.
Suppose we use two receivers antenna to implement antenna diversity with
antenna separtion more than 10 wave-lengths to resist Rayleigh fadding,
Assuming the receiver has a mechanism to determine which antenna has better
SNR immediately. Please find the average BER of the diversity with such
antenna selection strategy (select the best). Please also explain the
performance gain compared with (b).
Continuing from (b), we implement an error correcting code to improve the
performance, the coding is known as repetition code by repeatly transitting
the same symbol for 3 times and decoding is down by majority rule. Please
find the average error rate and discuss pros and cons of this machanism.
Problem 2 [OFDM 20%]
In an OFDM system, there are 52 sub-carriers, while 4 of them are pilot sub-
carriers. Suppose we use QPSK for modulation and rate 1/2 convolution code.
The cyclic prefix occupied 25% of transmission period.
(a) What's the purpose of cyclic prefix ?
What's the purpose of pilot sub-carriers?
(b) If we want to transmit 12M bps information data, what's the symbol
(c) Why OFDM is useful to transmit high bandwidth signal in fadding channel?
(d) Please explain the cause of PAPR problem in OFDM, What's the most effective
solution if the packet error rate must be lower than 2% ?
Problem 3 [Multiple Access 15%]
In case an infinite number of nodes to contend a channel with totally
aggregated traffic following Poisson distribution with λ>0
(a) Please derive the throughtput of pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA
(b) If we add another function to sense before transmission (i.e. carrier
sensing) Please explain the Hidden terminal problem and possible solution.
Problem 4 [Multiuser Detection 20%]
Consider two-user synchronous channel, the equivlent low-pass received signal
over one bit/symbol peroid is:
r(t) = A1b1s1(t) + A2b2s2(t) + n(t) where bi, i=1,2 denote the bit
transmitted by the ith user over the given bit time.
(a) Please derive the correlator output in the form of ri=f(b1,b2) +ni
(b) Determine the variance and covariance of n1 and n2
(c) Determine the joint pdf p(r1,r2|b1,b2)
(d) Assume the bit are equally probable and independent, please derive
the optimun detector for b = (b1,b2) based on MAP creterion and show
its equvalence to ML.
Problem 5 [System capacity 15%]
Taipei city has 280 km^2 and each base station (BTS) can cover 4 km^2 in
avearge. The user density is 1000 per km^2 and each user make 0.3 phone call
per hour lasting 1.5 minutes. We design the system to constrain the blocking
rate to be 1%. If 4-cell reuse pattern is adopted, please specify the minimun
required bandwidth to constuct a GSM cellular operation.
Note: Use Erlang B table (next page)
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