作者peter506g (一氧化二氢)
标题[试题] 100上 蔡尔成 普通物理学甲上 期中考
时间Fri Nov 11 14:41:29 2011
试题 :
1.[10%]A centripetal addict rides in uniform circular motion with period
→ 2
T = 2.0 s and radius r. At t1 his acceleration is a = (6.00m/s )i
+ (-4.00m/s )j. At that instant, what are the values of
→ → → →
(a) v . a and (b) r ╳ a ?
2. The potential energy of a diatomic molecule (a two atom system like H2 or
O2) is given by
U= ── - ──
r^12 r^6
where r is the seperation of the two atoms of the molecule and A and B are
positive constants. This potential energy is associated with the force
that binds the two atoms together.(a)[5%]Find the equilibrium seperation -
that is, the distance between the atoms at which the force on each atom is
zero. (b)[5%]Is this equilibrium configuration stable?
3.[10%]Consider a rocket that is in deep space and at rest relative to an
inertial reference frame. The rocket's engine is to be fired for a
certain interval. What must be the rocket's mass ratio (ratio of
initial to final mass) over that interval if the rocket's finalspeed
relative to the inertial frame is ti be equal to the exhaust speed
(speed of the exhaust products relative to the rocket) ?
4.[10%]An object rotates about a fixed axis, and the angular position of a
reference line on the object is given by θ(t) = e , where θis in
radius and t is in seconds. Consider a point on the object that is at
a distance of r⊥ from the axis of rotation. At t = 0, what is the
linear acceleration a of the point?
5.[10%]In Fig. 11-54, a bullet of mass m is fired into a block of mass M
attached to the end of a nonuniform rod of length L and mass Mrod. The
block-rod-bullet system then rotates in the plane of the figure, about
a fixed axis at A.The rotational inertia of the rod alone about that A
is I. Treat the block as a particle. (a) What then is the rotational
inertia of the block-rod-bullet system about point A? (b) If the
angular speed of the system about A just after impact is ω, what is
the bullet?'s speed just before impact?
Fig. 11-54
│ │Block
▆ → └───┘
→ → →
6.(a)[5%]Is the uniform force field F (x,y,z) = Fo, where Fo is a constant
vector, conservative? Why? (b)[5%]Suppose F(x,y,z) = f(z)k points only in
the z direction and its z component f(z) is a function of z only. Is this
force conservative?
7.[10%]The total kinetic energy for a system of particles depends on the
inertial reference frame. Prove that the total kinetic energy observed
in the center of mass frame is minimal.
8. For a system of particles, if the strong version of Newton's third law
holds, show that (a)[5%]only external forces will contribute to the total
net torque:
→ → → → →
τnet = Σxi ╳ Fi = Σxi ╳ Fi(ext)
→ → → → →
where Fi = Fi(int) + Fi(ext) with Fi(int) the internal force and Fi(ext)
the external force acting on partical i. (b)[5%]The total angular momentum
→ → → → → dL
L = Σxi ╳ Li where Li = xi ╳ pi is conserved, i.e., ── = 0, for an
i dt
isolated system.
9.[10%]To get a billard ball to roll without slipping from the start, the cue
must hit the ball at a height ─R above the center. Prove this result.
5 2 2
The rotational inertia for a homogeneous sphere is ─MR .
10.[10%]For a fast spinning heavy symmetrical top rotates around its symmetry
axis ─in the coordinate system whose origin is the fixed point on the
symmetry axis, the angular momentum L may be assumed to be parellel to
→ → →
the angular velocity ω, L = Iω, where I is the rotational inertia.
Ml → →
(a)[3%]Show that the total torque exerted on the top is τ = ──g ╳ w
dω Ml → → ω
(b)[3%]Prove that ── = - ── g ╳ w
dt Iω →
(c)[4%]What is the angular velocity with which ω rotates about the
vertical axis? What is the precession rate of the spinning top?
P.S.第八题以及第十题中的dL/dt和dω/dt 上面的L和ω皆有向量符号,不过因排版问题
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※ 编辑: peter506g 来自: (11/11 14:52)
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