作者harveyhs (Hango)
标题[试题] 100上 王立民 电磁学 第一次小考
时间Thu Oct 27 19:48:17 2011
考试日期(年月日)︰100. 10. 27
试题 :
a. The arrow of the vector is denoted by "bar"; e.g., the position vector
is denoted r. If the vector is an unit vector, "bar" will be replaced by
"hat", ^.
b. л denotes the separation vector from the source pointing to the observer.
1. (a) Find the components of the unit vector n perpendicular to the plane
shown in Fig.1.
(b) Also find the vector area of the plane shown in Fig.1.
_ _ _ _
(c) For the vector function v=r, calculate the integral ∮v╳dl,
where the integral is around the boundary line of the plane shown
in Fig.1.
(d) Check the Stoke's Theorem for v over the triangular surface with
corners at (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1) as shown in Fig.1.
The portion of plane x+y+z=1 in the first octant
2. Check the gradient theorem of ∫(▽T)dτ=∮Tda, for the scalar function
T=r^2, using the volume of a hemisphere with radius of R as shown in Fig.2.
Note. The gradient formula in spherical coordinate is given.
A hemisphere with radius R
3. A hollow spherical shell carries charge density ρ=kr^(-2) in the region
(a) Find the total charge Q.
(b) Find the electrostatic energy W stored.
(c) Find the net force that southern hemispherical shell exerts on the
northern hemispherical shell, in terms of a, b and k.
(d) If the same charge Q redistributing on a conducting hollow spherical
shell with the same inner and outer radii of a and b. Again find the
net force that southern hemispherical shell exerts on the northern
hemispherical shell.
_ ^
[Hint: the formula of the force per unit area f=σ^2/2ε_0n]
4. A solid conical ice-cream cone carries a uniform volume charge density
ρ. The height of the cone is h, as is the radius of the top. Find the
potential at the vertex point a.
5. If the actual force of interaction between two point charges is found
to be
_ 1 q_1q_2 л ^
F= ------- --------(1+---) exp[-л/λ]л,
4πε_0 л λ
where λ is a huge-number constant. This makes a new scalar potential
admitted the electric field.
(a) Find the potential of a point charge with using infinity as the
reference point.
(b) Using the result in (a), find the potential at a distance z above
the center of a circular disk with uniform surface charge σ
as seen in Fig.3.
(c) Show that the slab looks like a point charge for z>>R, using the
approximation: exp[x]~1+x and (1+x)^n~1+nx for x<<1.
A circular disk of radius R and surface charge density σ. P:(0,0,z),
regarding the center of the disk as origin and the disk as x-y plane.
6. Consider two concentric spherical shells, of radii a and b. Suppose the
inner one carries a charge 2q, and the outer one a charge -q(both uniformly
distributed). Calculate the energy of this configuration in two different
(a) Use the energy density ε_0E^2/2, and
_ _
(b) the superposition principle: W_{tot}=W_1+W_2+ε∫E_1。E_2dτ.
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