NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰普通生物学乙 课程性质︰必带 课程教师︰陈俊宏 开课学院:医学院 开课系所︰医学系 考试日期(年月日)︰2006/12/02 考试时限(分钟):110min 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) Ⅰ.Multiple-choice Question (20 points) 1. Based on your textbook, up to 60% of all medicines used today exert their effects by influencing what structures in the cell membrane? A. G protein. B. cholesterol. C. tyrosine-kinase receptor. D. ligand-gated ion channel receptors. 2. Which of the following is a widely used second messenger in signal transduction pathways? A. cATP. B. calcium ions. C. protein kinase. D. adenosine triphosphate. 3. Which of the following is the major difference between the measurement of basal metabolism rate (BMR) and standard metabolism rate (SMR)? A. BMRs are performed only on ectothermic animals. B. An animal must be fasting for the measurement of SMR. C. An organism must be determined at a specific temperature. D. The BMR for a particular animal is usually lower than that animal's SMR. 4. Viagra is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase. Therefore, the cells of a person who has recently consumes Viagra would have increased levels of A. AMP. B. cAMP. C. cGMP. D. ATP. 5. Which of the following cell groups form a complete team to produce the monoclonal antibodies for a specific protein antigen? A. B cells, myeloma cells, and antigen presenting cells. B. T_H cells, plasma cells, and myeloma cells. C. T_H cells, B cells, myeloma cells, and anitgen presenting cells. D. T_H cells, plasma cells, myeloma cells, and antigen presenting cells. 6. Which of the following tissues is rich in hydroxyapatite? A. bone. B. cartilage. C. adipose tissue. D. fibrous connective tissue. 7. Which of the following is NOT part of the phosphorylation cascade? A. Protein kinase is activated. B. A specific protein is activated via phosphorylation. C. GTP donate a phosphate group to an inactive protein kinase. D. Protein kinase transfers a phosphate group to a specific protein. 8. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. When signal molecules bind to receptor tyrosine kinases, the receptors phosphorylate themselves. B. Protein kinase A activation is one possible result of signal molecules binding to G-protein-linked receptors. C. Cholera toxin interferes with the ability of activated G proteins to hydrolyze GTP to GDP. D. When a G-protein contacts with signal molecules, it binds with a GTP to activate the relay enzyme. 9. Which of the following tissues found in the intestine serves as nutrient absorption? A. Simple cuboidal epithelium. B. Simple columnar epithelium. C. Stratified squamous epithelium. D. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium. 10. All of the followings relate to temperature acclimation EXCEPT A. Cells may produce enzymes with different temperature optima. B. Orgaisms may adjust some of the mechanisms that control internal temperature. C. Organism may produce cyroprotectants to survive under extreme temperature. D. Allowing denaturation of proteins that withstand extreme temperature. 11. The early stages of local inflammation can be A. histamine releasing. B. arteriole constriction. C. natural killer cell activation. D. antimicrobial peptide releasing. 12. Which of the followings serves as antioxidant to protect the phospholipids form oxidation? A. Vitamin E. B. Vitamin K. C. Phosphorus. D. Vitamin B complex. 13. Which of the following tissues is the most far away from anus? A. ileum. B. cecum. C. rectum. D. appendix. 14. All of the following pairing are correct except A. anitbody - B cells. B. cytokines - T_H cells. C. interferons - virus infected cells. D. membrane attack complex - T_C cells. 15. Which of the following about the trypsin and chymotrypsin are correct EXCEPT? A. They are secreted from the small intestine. B. Their activation is one case of positive feedback. C. They are initially secreted as an inactive form, zymogen. D. They are enteropeptidase which hydrolyze proteins into peptides. 16. Which of the following would be used as an energy source only after the depletion of other sources? A. fat in adipose tissue. B. glucose in the blood. C. protein in muscle cells. D. glycogen in muscle cells. 17. Why can normal immune eresponses be described as polyclonal? A. Our bloods have several different kinds of antibodies. B. Each single B cells can produce more than one type of Abs. C. An antigen with different epitopes can induce different clones of B cells. D. An immune response needs macrophages, T cells and B cells to be involved. 18. Which statement about antibodies is FALSE? A. Plasma cells are in charge to produce antibodies. B. Antibodies can promote phagocytosis of neutrophils. C. An antibody has either two heavy chains or two light chains. D. The structure of anibodies contains constant region and variable region. 19. All of the followings are autoimmune diseases EXCEPT A. Multiple sclerosis. B. Rheumatiod arthritis. C. Systemic lupus erythematosus. D. Severe Combined Immuno-Deficiency. 20. Which of the following is a problem that had to be solved as animals increased in size? A. decreasing movement or exercise. B. decreasing surface-to-volume ratio. C. decreasing the amount of offspring. D. reproducing in aqueous environment. --

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