作者andy74139 (月^4)
标题[试题] 99下 林风 资讯系统原理 期末考
时间Sat Jul 23 22:12:26 2011
课程名称︰ 资讯系统原理
课程性质︰ 必带
课程教师︰ 林风
开课学院: 电资学院
开课系所︰ 资工系
考试日期(年月日)︰ 2011.06.23 Thu
考试时限(分钟): 170分钟
是否需发放奖励金: 是
试题 :
(1) (14%) Please use examples to explain "class diagram", "sequence diagram",
"object diagram", "use case diagram", "collaboration diagram",
"state chart diagram", and "activity diagram".
请以子说明"class diagram", "sequence diagram", "object diagram",
"use case diagram", "collaboration diagram", "state chart diagram", 以及
"activity diagram"。
(2) (6%) Given the following program (in Java language), please use the
"reverse engineering" skill to depict its corresponding class diagram.
给定以下Java程式码试利用"reverse engineering"画出相对应的"class diagram".
public abstract class EventHandler {
EventHandler successor;
private Integer currentEventID;
private String source;
EventHandler() {}
public void handle Request() {}
(3) (20%) Briefly describe "abstract", "class scope", "public", "protected",
"private", "type", "signature", "instance scope", "classifier scope", and
"polymorphic" in advanced classes.
请解释advanced classes中的"abstract", "class scope", "public",
"protected", "private", "type", "signature", "instance scope",
"classfier scope", 与"polymorphic"。
(4) (4%) Please explain the relationship between "Operation" and "Method".
(5) (6%) Please depict a lcass diagram that represents the following C++ code:
Hint: Use the "template Class" mechanism with "Explicit Binding".
画出一Class Diagram来表示以下的C++程式码.
Hint: 试利Template Class的用法.
template<class Item, class Value, int Buckets>
class Map{
virtual Boolean bind(const Item&, const Value&);
virtual Boolean isBound(const Item&) const;
m: Map<Customer, Order, 3>
(6) (8%) For each of the following relationships: <<access>, <<import>>,
<<extend>>, and <<include>>, depict a diagram to briefly illustrate their
试画出一Diagram来说明<<access>>, <<import>>, <<extend>>, and <<include>>
(7) (2%) Please explain the definition of "mixin" defined in the
"Generalization" relationship.
(8) (8%) Please elaborate the definitions for "Navigation", "Visibility",
"Qualification", and "Interface Specifier" in advanced associations.
请说明advanced associations中的"Navigation", "Visibility",
"Qualification", 以及"Interface Specifier"之定义。
(9) (6%) Please elaborate the difinitions for "Anonymous Instance",
"Orphan Instance", and "Prototypical Instance".
请说明"Anonymous Instance", "Orphan Instance", 以及"Prototypical Instance"
(10) (15%) Given the following problem statements, depict a Use Case diagram
that satisfies these statements.
请画出学生选课系统的 use case diagram 以满足底下所述的 statement。针对其中
一use case,画出其对应之 main flow of events。
(S1) You are asked to design a "Student Registration System".
(S2) The new system will allow students to access the system, to register
for courses and view report cards form personal computer attached to
the campus LAN.
(S3) Professors will be able to access the system to sign up to teach
courses as well as record grades.
(S4) Due to a decrease in federal funding, the college cannot afford to
replace the entire system at once. The college will keep the existing
course catalog database where all course information is maintained.
The performance of the database is rather poor, so the new system
must insure that access to the data on the legacy system occurs in a
timely manner. The new system will access course information from the
database but will not update it.
(S5) The register's office will continue to maintain course information
through another system.
(S6) Once the registration process is completed for a student, the
registration sends information to the billing system so the student
can be billed for the semester.
(S7) Since student grades are sensitive information, the system must
employ extra security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
(11) (6%) Please draw a sequence diagram based on the following collaboration
请将下面的Collaboration diagram转换成对应的Sequence diagram?
(12) (5%) Consider the problem of modeling the behavior of an ATM. There are
three basic states in which this sytem might be:
请画出 Statechart diagram 来满足下面所述一个ATM machine 的 statement 。
Idle (waiting for customer interaction),
Active (handling a customer's transaction), and
Maintenance (perhaps having its cash store replenished)
Given the following problem statements, depict a Statechart diagram that
satisfies these statements.
S1. The state of the ATM changes from
Idle to
Active when the customer
enters a credit card in the machine.
S2. The customer might decide to cancel the transaction, returning the ATM
to its
Idle state.
S3. While
Active, the behavior of the ATM follows a simple path:
‧ Validate the customer → select a transaction →
process the transaction → print a receipt →
the ATM returns to the Idle state.
‧ You might represent these stages of behavior as the states
Processing, and
‧ It would even be desirable to let the customer select and process
multiple transactions after
Validating the account and before
Printing a final receipt.
S4. After Printing, there's a triggerless transition back to the
state. Notice that the
Active state has an exit action, which ejects
the customer's credit card.
S5. The state of the ATM changes from
Idle to
Maintenance when
Administrator maintains the ATM machine.
S6. The state of the ATM changes from
Maintenance to
Idle after
Administrator maintains the ATM machine.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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