NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰大一英文 课程性质︰共同必修 课程教师︰邱锦荣 开课学院:生命科学院 开课系所︰文学院外文系 考试日期(年月日)︰2011.4.19 考试时限(分钟):90 mins 是否需发放奖励金:是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : Freshman English Mid-term Exam April 19,2011 American English File 4C-7A I.Vocabulary 30% 1.If I'd known how much people appreciate being listened to, I wouldn't have tried so hard to be the life and s___l of the party. 2.F___ing with your hands, for example, tapping the table with your hands, also shows nervousness. 3.People feel superior to you often appear relaxed, with their hands c___ behind their heads. 4.When you s___ke your chin, you are probably thinking about something important or making a decision. 5.Hand and arm gestures are sometimes deliberate, but most often they occur unc___ly (without self-awareness) and naturally. 6.If men are attracted to somesone, they sometimes play with one of their ear l___. 7.Until the i___ of electricity in 1879, our daily cycle of sleep used to depend on the hours of daylight. 8.Research has shown that short naps are very effective in re___ing our energy levels and mood. 9.During the day, ca___e, the world's most popular drug, keeps us awake. 10.IT company: It are initials for 10 11.  ̄  ̄  ̄ 12.While paramedics used a spray to try to di___ the glue, the boy happily watched TV. 13.A British soccer team has threatened to s___(take somebody to court) a neighbor because he refused to give back their balls. 14.A passerby saw the girl on top of a 130-foot high c___(machine for lifting 15.heavy objects) in the early morning when he was walking past a c___n site. II.Preposition 10% 1.Life has taught sometimes when people behave badly ___ you, it is because of 2.some unhappiness that they are carrying around ___ them. 3.Arms folded ___ the chest is a classic gesture of defensiveness and indicating that you are protecting yourself. 4.People used to get up with the sun and go to bed ___ sundown. 5.I was half way ___ my presentation and we had a break 6.___ coffee. 7.His garden is eight meters ___ the back of the goal. Some balls are bound 8.to go ___ the wall. 9.The Girl had left her house, sleepwalking ___ the night. 10.Sleepwalking is most common ___ young boys. III.Cloze Test 10% *All the blanks need to be filled. A.Modern society has invented reasons not to sleep. We are now a 24/7 society ___ stores and services must be available ___ all hours. We spend more time at work than we ___ to and longer getting go work. Cell phones and e-mail allow us to stay in ___ around the clock, and late-night TV and ___ internet tempt us away from our beds. B.When Andy Baker, ___ New Jersey, forgot his wife's birthday ___ the third year in a row, she decided she had ___ enough and locked him out of the house. He was working late and ___ he got home, the door was locked and a suitcase with his things in it was ___ the doorstep. V.Eassay Questions: Choose only two. Suggested length: 100-150 words 35% 1.Explain one thing you regret about your college life so far. 2.What are the things Actress Paula Wilcox wishes she had known earlier? 3.What have you learned from the essay" Let your body do the talking"? Do you agree with the findings? 4.What are the symptoms of sleep deprivation? 5.What are your own tips for public presentation? List at least five tips. 6.Write a news story about NTU and provide a headline for your story. IV.Listening Comprehension 15% *audiotape to be played in class --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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