作者deepwoody (快回火星吧)
标题[试题] 99下 何小刚 应用数学三 期末考
时间Sun Jun 26 23:10:37 2011
试题 :
Problem 1. (25 points)
a) Write down the expression for the Fourier transformed function f (x) and
Laplace transformed function f (s) of a function F(t).
b) Write down the expression for the inverse Fourier transform of the function
f (x), and inverse Laplace transform of the function f (s) in the Bromwich
f l
integral form.
c) For a fourier series expansion f(x)=a_0/2+Σ(a_ncos(nπx/L)+b_nsin(nπx/L))
in the interval [-L,L], express a_n and b_n in terms of integration of product
of f(x), and cos(nπx/L) and sin(nπx/L).
∞ inπx/L
d) Show that f(x) can be written as f(x) = Σ c_n e and express c_n in
terms of a_n and b_n.
e) Write down the convolution formula which relates the functions F1(t) and
F2(t) and their Laplace transformed functions f1(s) and f2(s).
Problem 2. (25 points)
a) Obtain the Fourier series expansion for the function F(x) = x for -π< x <π
b) Obtain the Fourier transformed function f(t) of the function F(x) = x for
-π< x <π and 0 for |x| > π.
c) Obtain the inverse of Laplace tranform for the function f(s) = 1/(s-a)(s-b)
Problem 3. (25 points)
a) Obtain the Fourier transformed function f(ω) for the function F(x) = 1 for
|x| < 1 and F(x) = 0 for |x| > 1.
b) Show that F(x) can be expressed as F(x) = (2/π)∫ dωsin(ω)cos(ωx)/ω.
c) Evaluate the integral in b) explicitly and show that for x = 1, F(x) = 1/2.
Problem 4. (25 points)
a) Obtain the Laplace transformed function x(s) for X(t) satisfying the driven
oscillator with damping equation: mX''(t) + bX'(t) + kX(t) = F(t) with initial
conditions X(0) = A (with A being a constant) and X'(0) = 0. (X'(t) = dX(t)/dt
2 2
and X''(t) = d X(t)/dt )
b) Using convolution formula to show that one can write the solution of X(t)
-bt/2m t -bz/2m
as: X(t) = Ae (cos(ω1t)+(b/2mω1)sin(ω1t))+(1/mω1)∫F(t-z)e sin(ω1z)dz
2 2 0
Here ω1 = (k/m)-(b/2m) .
c) Assuming that F(t) is equal to a for 0 < t < t0 and 0 else where. Obtain
the expression for X(t) by explicitly carrying out the integral in b).
2 2 ct
(Useful equations: the inverse of f(s) = d/((s-c) + d ) is equal to e sin(dt)
2 2 ct
and f(s) = (s-c)/((s-c) + d ) is equal ot e cos(dt). The Laplace transform
(n) (n) n n-1
for the nth derivative F of F is: L(F (t)) = s L(F(t)) - s F(0) - ...
- F (0)).
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※ 编辑: deepwoody 来自: (06/27 00:20)