NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰政治学二 课程性质︰本系必修兼通识 课程教师︰李锡锟 开课学院:社科院(? 开课系所︰政治系 考试日期(年月日)︰2011/6/24 考试时限(分钟):100(但老师有多给一点 是否需发放奖励金:是 试题 : 甲 30% 名词解释 a principium individuationis b cui servire est regnare c deus ex machina d in loco parentis e liberalism f individualism g nomenklatura h immaterial labor 乙 40% 翻译 The Utility of Emulation The evidence in the artifacts of genteel culture compels us to make emulation the starting point for an explanation. In the words and objects of refined culture, the signs of gentility's origins in European courts are everywhere present. We can hardly doubt that people on the provincial periphery borrowed their culture fromn aristocratic centers. The books that fixed the rules for genteel behavior in America were only slightly revised versions of handbooks for courtiers; eighteenth-century mansions copied the styles of English country houses; American city plans were adaptations of Renaissance conceptions of civic space; artisans and shopkeepers promoted ttheir goods by claiming they were the latest London fashions. Stamped on every form of genteel culture was the mark of its origin in Europe and more specifically in aristocratic English society. Later people in country towns took their cues from American metropolitan centers, following the pattern of emulation but transferring the source. Given this evident emulative impulse, the methods of cultural transmission are not hard to envision. We know that the eighteenth-century American gentry desired to have the latest from Europe, and the stream of immigrant artisans supplemented by design books supplied the details. Provincial gentlemen in smaller towns in turn looked to models in Philadelphia or New York. John Dickinson told his carpenters to build a house in Wilmington, Delaware, modeled after great Philadelphia mansions; the decor of William Corbit's house in Cantwell's Bridge strongly resembled the carving in Samuel Powel's Philadelphia town house. Such transfers, multiplied by a thousand times, were the basic mechanism for the spread of culture. The practice of emulation, replicated at every level with every cultural good, created innumerable networks of influence along which gentility flowed from European style centers to remote American outposts. 讨论聚焦 上列文字的「政治科学」意涵? 丙 30% 十六世纪文艺复兴之後欧美地区对政治力的研究从之前的「肉体与物质力为主轴」转为「 心理与意识为主轴」;到十九世纪中叶後终於形成「惟心论」(idealism)与「惟物论」 (materialism) 的严重冲突并升高为政治力的惨烈对决。试探讨这两种对政治力的诠释一 旦流行为「信仰」,两种有何基本差异以及它们的冲突对现代国家体系产生何种冲击 (impact)? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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1F:推 idrilann :翻译好机车... 06/24 23:01
2F:→ susustar :DONE 06/26 23:30

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