作者shokanshorin (上官蔷凛)
标题[试题] 99下 王振男 微积分乙下 期末考
时间Tue Jun 21 15:05:38 2011
考试时限(分钟):10:20~12:30 , 130min
1. Let Ω be a bounded domain in R^3 with smooth boundary. Assume that u(x,t)
satisfies the following things
∂u 3 ∂^2 u
╭ —— - Σ ———— + αu = 0 , for all (t,x)εR+ ×Ω,
│ ∂x j=1 ∂x_j^2
│ u(t,x) = 0 , for all (t,x)εR+ ×∂Ω
╰ u(0,x) = u_0(x) , for all xεΩ (u_0(x) =0 , for all xε∂Ω)
(ε = belong ; ∂Ω means the boundary of Ω)
where R+ = {tεR:t>0} and α is a constant. Show that
∫∫∫u^2(t,x)≦(∫∫∫u_0(x)^2 dx )˙e^(-2αt) , for all tεR+.
(Hint: multiplying the equation by u and using the divergence theorem.)
2. Let the surface S = {(x,y,z):x^2+y^2+(z-4)^2=25 , z>0} and a vector
→ → → →
field F = y i+z^3 j+√(1+z^4) k.
→ → →
Compute ∫∫curl F ˙ n dS , where n is the unit outer normal of S with
n(0,0,9) = k. (10%)
3. Find the moment of inerita about the z-axis of a thin shell of constant
density 1 cur(?) from the cone 4x^2+4y^2-z^2=0 , z≧0 , by the circular
cylinder x^2+y^2=2x. (in HW#6) (15%)
4. The hazard rate function of an organism is given by
λ(x)=0.1+0.5×e^(0.02x) , x≧0 , where x is measured in days.
(a) What is the probability that the organism will live less than ten days?
(b) What is the probability that the organism will live for another five
days given that it survived the first five days?
(in HW#8) (10%)
5. Suppose X_1 , X_2 , ... , X_n are i.i.d. random variables with uniform
distribution on (0,1). Define X = min(X_1,X_2,...,X_n).
(a) Compute P(X>x).
(b) Show that P(X>x/n) → e^-x as n → ∞. (in HW#8) (15%)
6. How often do you have to toss a coin to determine p (head) within 0.1 of its
true value with probability at least 0.95? Estimate the sample size by using
(a) the Law of Large Numbers and (b) the Central Limit Theorem. (20%)
7. Suppose that a narrow beam flashlight is spun around its center, which is
located a unit distance from the x-axis. When the flashlight has stop
spining, consider the point X (a random variable) at which the beam
intersects the x-axis. (If the beam is not pointing toward the x-axis,
repeat the experiment.)
(a) Find the probability distribution function of X. (10%)
(b) Does the random variable ︱X|^1/2 have finite expected value?
﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣⊙ ﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣
1│ ↘
│ ↘
0 X x-axis
後附一张 Table of the standard normail distribution.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 编辑: shokanshorin 来自: (06/21 15:09)
1F:推 sp050612 :原PO微积分超强!!! 06/21 15:10
2F:→ shokanshorin:死定了啦...这次的考题不是普通的____... 06/21 15:31
3F:推 woieyufan : 好睡 06/21 15:48
4F:推 liltwnboiz :超难 还出最後一次习题 没做根本死光 =.....= 06/21 17:21
5F:→ liltwnboiz :我看到那闪闪发光的C在跟我挥手...... 06/21 17:21
6F:→ ALegmontnick:done 06/21 17:26
7F:推 s30127s :泪推微积分QQ 06/21 18:42
8F:推 wayne315315 :这...第一题看不懂= = 06/21 20:52
※ 编辑: shokanshorin 来自: (06/21 23:41)
9F:推 ALegmontnick:done,too 06/22 20:26