NTU-Exam 板


课程名称︰无线多媒体系统研究 课程性质︰多媒体 课程教师︰吴晓光 开课学院:电资 开课系所︰资工 考试日期(年月日)︰ 考试时限(分钟):2010.06.16 是否需发放奖励金: 是 (如未明确表示,则不予发放) 试题 : 1. Providing real time services such as voice or video over ad hoc network is a challenge. Usuallu QoS routing will be required for real time connections. (a) Describe the difference QoS routing and shortest path routing. (b) Usually bandwidth constraint must be satisfied for the required voice and video. How do you calculate the available bandwidth for ad hoc node if you have 2M bits per second bandwidth. As figure, the video connection is constructed from sender to receiver, how many bandwidth resource could be consumed for each node (sender, R1,R2 and receiver) (C) If you need to employ two alternative paths, how would you extend DSR algorithm? (d) Multipath routing has been proposed to satisfy QoS requirement. Can you describe the advantages and disadvantages for multipath routing? 2. (A) The Main goal of both the Mobile IPv4 and the Mobile IPv6 protocols is to allow a MN to continue communicating with its correspondent nodes(CNs) during its movement. Decribe the key improvements of the Mobile IPv6 protocol from the Mobile IPv4 protocols. (B) The IETF has defined two hierarchical mobile routing protocols: The Hiratchical Mobile IP_v4 protocol and the Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 protocol. Illustrate the purposes of hierarchical mobility management. Discuss the similarities and differences of HMIPv4 versus HMIPv6. (C) In order to adapt the Mobile IPv4 protocol so that is can handle multicast forwarding with adequate scalability, a new approached called Mobile Multicast Protocol (MoM) was introduced. Illustrate the advantages and limitations of MoM. (D) Illustrate the motivation of the Range-Based Mobile Muticast Protocol (RBMoM). Discuss the advantages and limitation of RBMoM. 3. THe approach emplyed by UWB radio devices is based on sharing already occupied spectrum resources by means of the overlay printciple, rather than looking for still available but possibly unsuitable new bands. (A) Describe the general defination used within the FCC's First Report and Order and widely accepted by the industry for a UWB device. (B) Explain what is meaning of the spectral efficiency. (C) Does IEEE 802.15.3 apply master station approach as BLueTooth? How is UWB different from frequency hoppinng used in Bluetooth? (D) How IEEE 802.15.3 accomodate continuous and burstry traffic. Explain. 4. (A) A directr mechanism for achieving multicast reception on MHs is to let HA handle multicast routing by executing IGMP and delivering multicasts to the MHs as if it was at home. In current IETF mobile multicast, is it qualified as remote subscription or bi-direction tunnel multicast? Advantage? Disadvantage? (b) What is the duoplication problem? (c) What is the tunnel convergent problem? (d) Can you describe what is "combined routing"? advantage? Disadvantage? (e) WHat is the scoping problem? 5. A critical design issue for future wireless ad hoc networks is the development of suitable communication architecture, protocols and services that efficiently reduce power consumption thereby increasing the operational lifetime of network enable devices. For small communication devices (such as sensors, PDAs, etc), reducing the transmission power may significantly extend the operational lifetime of a device, thus enhancing the overall user experience. A distance between two nodes could be determined by propagation model or GPS. Can you enhance DSR(Dynamic Source Routing) to minimize the total transmission power needed to forward packets between devices in ad hoc wireless networks either through (A) propagation model or (B) GPS location information? -- Nothing is Impossible --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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