作者wanquan (X-Y轴的世界)
标题[试题] 98上 逄爱君 高等计算机网路 期中考
时间Thu May 26 10:43:27 2011
课程名称︰ 高等计算机网路
课程性质︰ 选修课程
课程教师︰ 逄爱君
开课学院: 电机资讯学院
开课系所︰ 资讯工程研究所
考试日期(年月日)︰ 98/11/16
考试时限(分钟): 180
是否需发放奖励金: 是
试题 :
1. Wireless Link Characterice:(10%)
A. Please describe three "unique" wireless link characteristics.(5%)
B. Please elaborate on the relationship among SNR, BER, and PHT.(5%)
2. Hidden Terminal:(10%)
A. What is "hidden terminal" problem?(5%)
B. How does 802.11 MAC solve the hidden terminal Problem? (5%)
3. Multimedia Networking Applications: (20%)
A. Please give three different kinds of multimedia networking applications.(5%)
B. Please compare the QoS requirements of the three kinds of applicatoin.
C. What are the challenges for multimedia applications over the Internet?
Also, please describe possible solutions to overcome the challenges.(10%)
4. Please compare the public-key and symmetric-key (as detailed as possible)
for network security.(7%)
5. Message Confidentiality, Message integrity and Endpoint Authentication.(13%)
A. Why do we need "message integrity" and "endpoint authentication" if we already
have "message confidentially"?(5%)
B. What is "Digital Signature"? Why do we CA for "Diginal Signature"?(8%)
6. Suppose the correspondent in Figure 6.21 were mobile. Sketch the additinal network-
layer infrastructure that would be needed to route the datagram from the original
mobile user to the (now mobile) correspondent. Show the structure of the datagram(s)
between the original mobile user and the (now mobile) correspondent, as in
Figure 6.22.(10%)
7. Consider the leaky bucket policer that polices the average rate and burst size of
a packet flow. We now want to police the peak rate, p as well. Show how the output
of this leaky bucket policer can be fed into a second leaky bucket policer so that
the two leaky buckets in series police the average rate, peak rate, and burst size.
Be sure to give the bucket size and token generation rate for the second
8. Consider the figure below. A sendere begins sending packetized audio peridically at
t=1. The first packet arrives at the receiver at t=8.(10%)
(a) What are the delays (from sender to receiver, ignoring any playout delays) of
packets 2 through 8? Note that each vertical and horizontal line segment in the
figure has a length of 1,2,or 3 time units.
(b) If audio playout begins as soon as the first packet arrives at the receiver at
t=8, which of the first eight packets sent will not arrive in time for playout?
(c) If audio playout begin at t=9, which of the first eight packets sent will not
arrive in time for playout?
(d) What is the minimum playout delay at the receiver that results in all of the first
seven packets arriving in time for their playout?
9. Consider the following pseudo-WEP protocol. The key is 4 bits and the IV is 2 bits.
The IV is appended to the end of the key when generating the keystream. Suppose that
the shared secret key is 1101. The keystreams for the four possible inputs are as
Suppose all message are 8 bits long.Suppose the ICV (integrity check) is 4 bits
long, and is calculated by XOR-ing the firsdt 4 bits of data with the lst 4 bits
of data. Suppose the pseudo-WEP packet consists of three fields: first the IV field
, then the message field, and last the ICV field, with some of there field encrypted.
(a) We want to send the message m=1010000 using IV=11 and using WEP. What will be the
values in the three WEP fields?(3%)
(b) Show that when the receive decrypts the WEP packet, it recovers the message and
the ICV.(3%)
(c) Suppose Trudy intercepts a WEP packet (not necessarily with the IV=11) and wants
to mudify it before forwaring it to the receiver. Suppose Trudy flips the first
ICV bit. Assuming that Trudy does not know the keystreams for any of the IVs, what
other bit(s) must Trudy also flip so that the received packet passes the ICV
没有不可能的事, 只有不愿做的事
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