作者travellerjay (travellerjay)
标题[试题] 98上 齐东耿 二十世纪英国文学
时间Mon May 16 21:38:29 2011
试题 :
I. Short Answers [20]:
1) What does the word "hap" signify (in the dictionary), and what does it mean
for Hardy more generally? [3]
2) Why is April the cruelest month in the Wasteland? [2]
3) What is a trochee? [2]
4) Who is Philomela? [1]
5) Who was Lady Gregory? [1]
6) What is anthropomorphism? [1]
7) What is alliteration? [2]
8) Who was Ezra Pound? [3]
9) When did Yeats win the Nobel Prize? [1]
10)According to Housman, what is the loveliest of trees? [1]
11)What did the thunder say? [1]
II. Mediem answer [50]:
1) Why did human character change on or about December 1910, according to
Virginia Woolf? [5]
2) What is so fascinating for Yeats about the image of Helen? Discuss briefly
the Leda-Helen-Maud Gonne connection in Yeats. [5]
3) What is wrong with J. Alfred Prufrock? What is his question? Why can't he
get what he wants? [5]
4) What exactly does Byzantium signify for Yeats? [5]
5) What is the relationtship of the poet to the tradition, according to Eliot,
and what is the nature of poetic creation?
6) Discuss the carpe diem theme in Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young". Why
did the young Brits who died in the trenches of Belgium and France all know
their Housman? [5]
7) Please realte T.S. Eliot to a general account of Modernism and the avant-
garde. What is the avant-garde? Give examples. What is the relationship of
Modernism to modernity? What is the solution to contemporary problems offered
by Eliot? [10]
8) What is the story of the Wasteland myth? What is the story or narrative of
"The Wasteland" poem? Please discuss [for example] the Cumean Sibyl, the Fisher
King, Madame Sosostris, Tristan and Isolde, the Pheonician sailor, the
aristocratic lady, the ladies at the public house, Tiresias, the typist, and
the agent's clerk... What is the point of all of these examples, what is the
logic of the five sections, the Burial of the Dead, A Game of Chess, The Fire
Sermon, Death by Water, and What the Thunder Said? [10]
III. Analysis [30]
1) Yeats, "The Second Coming" [15]
Scan the first stanza of this poem as best you can. Make a general statement
about the prosody of the verse. Then analyze the imagery in the first stanza
and speculate on its meaning. Finally, venture some account of the prophecy of
the second stanza. What does all this have to do with Yeats' mystical study?
What does all of it mean even if we don't know anything about mystical studies?
2) Age and the poets [15]
In "I Look Into My Glass," Hardy laments the irony of age and desire, and thus
speculates in his way on the process of aging, the meaning of life, anf the
function of poetry. How does Yeats address these problems in the later poems
we read, from "The Wild Swans at Coole," to the Byzantium poems, "Among School
Children," and the "Dialogue of Self and Soul"? I do not expect you to
remember every detail of the difficult late Yeats poems, but you should keep in
mind the tower, the sword, the golden mechanical bird, the chestnut tree and
so forth.
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